Derwent. Parade

A Memory of South Ockendon.

We lived @ 52 Derwent Parade above Harry Fenton's outfitters. Mum work at Phillips sweet shop beside the stairs to the flats above.
Other shops included Watts furniture, the Co Op, Woollies and the sensational , or so we thought, Sainsburys
Happy days in a good community of people who remembered the privations of the East End.
As my Nan said people had hearts now they have purses.
We left for Nottinghsm in 1969.

Added 03 March 2015


Comments & Feedback

We moved from the East End of London sand lived in Broxburn Drive from 1952 to the end of the sixties. I went to Lennards Secondary Modern. My Mum also worked in Phillips Sweet Shop and my Dad was an Assistant Postmaster of the Post Office in Derwent Parade.

Those were the good old days!

My mother is still alive at 94 years old and living elsewhere in Essex.
Hi Glynis, have just seen your comment did you used to live about the shops in the flats at Derwent Parade? did you also used to sing at the Avoca Club? if so do you remember me? Sheila Boshell x
Hello Glynis
Do you recall the name of the greengrocers in Broxburn Parade? Mum worked in the fish shop during the 1950s and I am sure there was a greengrocers. We have no photos of the area as they were destroyed which is such a shame.

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