South Weald, Weald Hall, The Belvedere Tower 1908
Photo ref: 59805
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A Selection of Memories from South Weald

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from South Weald

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We lived at No7 Penrith Road and I have two brothers; Brian and Ron Watts. I remember making the wooden go-carts and fishing for sticklebacks, but cannot remember where the lake was or if its still there. Dad used to drive an artic lorry - sadly both of my parents are no longer with us.
My memories of St Peter’s school South Weald - starting in 1956(?) I started, in what I seem to remember as the ‘pre-fab’ classroom in the lower playground with, I believe, Mrs Fox as my first teacher. We had slates and chalks to start with before being allowed to use pencils. There were rubber mats which we took outside for PE and ‘bean bags’ for throwing and catching. There was a small wall and steps up ...see more
The old school was still in the village - the toilets seem to be well remembered - how I hated those. The old school for me smelled of those tablets of paint which were used in art class, for dabbling. That smell mingled with warm heated milk in winter - when the little bottles were brought in to thaw. I recall a top and bottom playground - there was some demarcation which I don't any longer ...see more
I started at St. Peters School South Weald in the Infants class with Miss Clough in 1950. She was a lovely lady. My first few months were very worrying as I was a shy only child and I cried a lot as everything was so new. However, I was soon made welcome and found a friend who was a bit older and she took care of me! Yes, having read other people's memories, I also recall the toilets ...see more