Stroud, King Street c.1960
Photo ref: S224052X
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A Selection of Memories from Stroud

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Stroud

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I went to st Roses convent in Stroud when I was eleven years old . The boarding house was up the lane called merrymeads. It was named st Bedes . I can remember going to the Holy Rosary church which was next to the convent . Every morning we went to mass in the convent chapel . I entered a painting into the Stroud show in 1960 and it was highly commended . One night. When I was in my dormitory I was ...see more
It was amazing to look back at some of these photos..remembering them well. We as a family lived at 35 stratford road which was then a council house owned by the fire brigade, father worked in the fire station which was then in cainscross road. Mother worked at the lido in Stratford park in the basket room, where us siblings use to get into the lido free on a daily basis exciting times. Our ...see more
Gosh, I remember the park gardens. I spent the first three years of my life at 2 Ashton villas in slad road, just along from the gardens. Mrs Vincent owned the house. Whenever the sun shone, we were taken to the park. I particularly remember the shelter at the top end, but in a visit there some 5 years ago, I was disappointed to see that it was no longer there. Does anyone know what happened to it, or when it was removed and ...see more
Can anyone help with the name of the man that lived at Toadsmore (on the road between The Bourne & Eastcombe) Who sold & supplied Logs. He lived in a small building had an open backed van and I think that he had a small dog. With his van he helped my father who lived in Thrupp collect a large Pigeon Loft. This would have been in the late 1950's -- early 1960's. Thanks in anticipation for any help, ...see more