Memories Of Sellincourt Primary And Secondary School

A Memory of Tooting.

I used to live in Mellison Rd, just around the corner from Sellincourt Rd. My memories of the school was a good one, governed mainly by the teachers. These are some names of my fellow pupils at the time from the mid to late seventies.
Does anyone else who went there at the time recall these names?
Head Teacher was a strict old so and so with a nasty temper! Mrs Whooley, with that big smelly white sheep dog. I always remember once in assembly we weren't singing a hymn to her liking and she slammed a big book on the floor, it scared the hell out of me!
My teachers were year 1. Mrs Hair, another old school strict teacher that I hated! year 2, Miss Green I think, who married that year to become ?? I can't remember! year 3, Mr Starkey. A great teacher, everyone loved him, with his 'hippy' hair style and 'tache'. I remember building a great big cardboard robot and it stood by the door for ages. year 4, Mrs White, a very nice teacher, but sometimes on reflection discussed some strange subjects for 10, 11 year olds, such as death and life after death, reincarnation. Weird! That last year we went to Swanage in Dorset, and stayed in that fawlty towers looking hotel. Remember seeing Dolphins swimming in the bay, and those long walks Mr Starkey took us on!
My friends at the time I shall try and remember... My best friend at the beginning was Porus Bastani, lived in Franciscan Rd, we were both mad about sci-fi I recall, remember him playing the piano.......My best friend at the end was Dean bradley, who I recall falling out with in a big way while down in Swanage. Remember spending that summer going round his place after school.
Debbie Murrey with whom I played kiss chase a lot and was very fond of, black hair and very pretty! Elaine Toll whom I recall snogging a few times on the coach.
Jayish Doshie, a fella I had to take under my wing at school as his family were expelled from Uganda. Became a good friend as his english improved.
Only a few names come to mind in my classes......Robert Black...the 'popular kid', and Robert Shaw...his second in command, but very nice and likeable.
I remember a girl who lived next door to the school, blonde and pretty, was her name Jane? which I had a crush on.
O-dear, I thought I remember a lot more names but just can't recall! I remember the Italian girl who was always in trouble who lived at the bottom of Sellincourt, and swimming in the tiny pool at the end of the playground and the hot summer of '76, where the playground tar melted! and in '77 a craze of playing marbles on the metal drains, and having that outdoor Silver Jubilee food in the playground!

Added 14 April 2008


Comments & Feedback

Wow! I know Mellison. I used to live on Byton, down by Amen Corner. So good to know that some of us still have Sellinccourt memories. I was there btw 1969 and 1973. I remember Ms Wooley, and the fact that she kept dying her hair a different color. I remember Mr and Mrs Martin, (both lovely but with hindsight the Mr was very fiery) and the fact that there was a school rabbit, that had to be looked after during school holidays. Do you remember that the school hymn book got dumped around 1971/1972, and then we had another song book we used during school assembly: one which had songs like "where have all the flowers gone," and "love is something if you give it away".
Janice Penfold was one of my best friends, as was Sandra Baigent. Kerknockers were the craze then, followed by french skipping, and marbles. Adrian Braithwaite was in the year below me. I had Bridgette Frasier, Sandra Francis and Deborah Hall, John McGrory and Izhman Khan in my class. Susan Glinska. was in an adjacent class. Rosemary Aldridge was also in my year and used to always beat me at high jump during the school sportsday at Tooting bec common. I remember playing a massive game of chain-he in the playground during summer. British Bulldog was a favorite too. I remember my first kiss being from Cleveland Muir. I also remember my lovely friends Mark Nicholas, Paul Kempton, David Bailey, Barry Newton and Daryl Davis. Sonia Robinson was in my class and she and all her sibs who had the best freckles in the entire universe. I really loved Sellincourt school. The teachers were fantastic and I really felt very loved and cared for while I was in school way back then. I think that has helped form alot of my humanistic openminded understanding and loving attitude toward people today.
I do remember the swimming pool at the back of the school: 10 yards in length. And I remember going decimal in 1971 and a packet of crisps costing 2 and a half pence!
I look back now with what might be rose tinted glasses, but realistically I remember that I really loved school as I felt truly loved by the teachers and by my friends. I loved the learning, and I loved the school dinners, especially the butterscotch tart with its 100s and 1000s on it! And the spotty dick!
Wow! I stumbled across Jumoke’s post. All those names so long ago and I can still picture their faces.
On my first day at school I sat next to Deborah Hall.
Rosemary Aldridge was a nice girl. Sonia Robinson, Paul Kempton etc: I hope they are all well.
Can anyone remember the name of the shop’s name on the corner of Sellingcourt & Charlmont. We used to get Esso blue for our paraffin heaters in winter and blocks of salt to carve sculptures out of?
Can anyone remember the name of the shop’s name on the corner of Sellingcourt & Charlmont. We used to get Esso blue for our paraffin heaters in winter and blocks of salt to carve sculptures out of?

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