Nostalgic memories of Downend's local history

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Displaying all 4 Memories

I went to this primary not long after it opened. My DOB is 04/10/1953, infants then on to the juniors. I remember Mr Malpass and Miss Brake, Mrs Rubery, Mr King, Mr Garland, Mr Britten and horrible Mr Harris! Can't remember the woman who took the top class in juniors but she was very harsh....taught needlework with very little patience. I was Hilary Fussell back then in my class I ...see more
I lived on Peache Road from 1965 to 1978, having been born in Wendover hospital and my memory of the 'pig sty' was that it was actually a slaughter house/abattoir. I am really testing my recall now but I think that they used to run the incinerator on Sunday mornings and if the wind was blowing in the wrong direction, it stank! I also went to Downend County infants and juniors when Miss Bloodworth ...see more
Yes, I too remember the pig sty slaughter house that was there on the corner. It seems a long time ago. I too went to Downend County and I lived in Burley Grove 1953 to 1968. I was with the church lads' brigade in Downend. We would march through Downend to Christ Church. Downend cricket club was one of the best looking cricket grounds in the country. I live in Davenport in Florida now. I miss home but life here is good.
I'm not sure of the year, but a pig sty used to stand where there are now flats on the left hand side of Peache Road on the corner going towards Downend. I used to hear the pigs squealing when I was quite young and did not like walking past. Does anyone else remember this? I used to live in Burley Grove from the age of about five and moved away at fifteen to Cornwall. Happy days at both Downend Primary and Stockwell Hill, I also remember disco's at Badminton Road Youth Club.