Washington, The Post Office c.1970
Photo ref: W359042
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A Selection of Memories from Washington

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Washington

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In the early 1950's my parents lived at Cherry Tree Farm, Washington. Does anyone know of it's location, or any details about it.
When I was a little girl, 1959/1960, my Nan and her husband Mr Fred Pay lived at 2 Newtown Cottages. I can remember the house being tiny, we went in 'round the back' and the kitchen was tiny with a couple of steps up to the living room. From the kitchen a tiny staircase went up to the two bedrooms. In those days it always seemed warm and we sat out in the yard. A lady that lived in one of the other ...see more
You were born on this day c1955,is't it amazing how people and the world around you change,but a bet you can still remember the good old days.Well there's one thing that will never change so I will tell you now ,just to make sure you hear me,that you will always be The Best Mother In The World. Happy Birthday Mum My Love always LEIGHxxxx