Waterloo, Marine Gardens c.1960
Photo ref: W713005
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A Selection of Memories from Waterloo

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Waterloo

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Lived on Rosebery Ave (next to the Brooke Hotel) until 1952 then left for Canada. Lots of memories. Guy Fawkes bonfire on Rose farm, now the bowling green for the Brooke Hotel. Hours and hours spent playing on the shore. Attending Crosby Road School. Saturday mornings at the Odeon club. Getting the cane from Mrs Riley. Sunday school at St Nicks. Mischief night, (Halloween now) ringing neighbours door bells and ...see more
Waterloo in the 1940s to 1950s My early memories are of Waterloo where I used to live at Winchester Avenue until 1958. My father died there in 1989. On College Road there were air raid shelters which me and other kids played in after the war until they were demolished, probably late 1940s. One of the concrete pillars collapsed on me and trapped me against a wall for a little while. I wasn't ...see more
My early memories are of Waterloo where I used to live at Winchester Avenue until 1958. My father died there in 1989. On College Road there were air raid shelters which me and other kids played in after the war until they were demolished, probably late 1940s. One of the concrete pillars collapsed on me and trapped me against a wall for a little while. I wasn't hurt but it scared the living ...see more
I recall as a child in the 1950s, being taken on outings from my grandparents' home in Litherland via Seaforth/ South Road stations to the beach at Marine Crescent, Waterloo. On a recent nostalgic trip there I was surprised that I couldn't, as I expected, actually see the river and beyond from Marine Crescent and needed to walk  across the dunes to the beach where the 'Another Place' statues are located to ...see more