Aldershot, St George's Church 1918
Photo ref: 68379
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A Selection of Memories from Aldershot

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Aldershot

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I spent my first period of nursing training in this hospital (now converted into luxury apartments I believe). I can remember its endlessly long corridor with wards off, left and right and flights of stairs to the upper floor. Oh how proud I was of my new ward uniform but equally scared as a novice student nurse, but quickly adapted and learned and before long I was doing my first stint on night duty, in ...see more
I spent many happy evenings here as a young soldier in QARANC (army nursing corps) from December 1965 until early 1967 when I was posted to Germany. Just about everyone military stationed in Aldershot congregated here at some time or another, and it was there, while undertaking my basic military traiing that I met my first real love, whom I later married. Dances were held there in the ballroom at weekends and it ...see more
I used to live in Denmark square and I was 11 years of age. My friend Donna Meek lived in the army quarters. We used to adventure out behind the Cambridge hospital, were there was clear signs of bunkers that had been bombed, the old railway station was at the bottom. I found an old shaft which as kids we could climb into, it appeard to run up to the hospital. We would climb in there and go to the back which was ...see more
I attended Talavera Prinary School between 1964 - 1965 aged 10-11. Anybody else attend during these dates?