Bridge Of Allan, Henderson Street 1899
Photo ref: 44675X
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A Selection of Memories from Bridge of Allan

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Bridge of Allan

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In 1952 this beautiful hotel was owned by the Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society (SCWS) and represented a weekend retreat for people who could afford it. I'm not very sure what that meant but that's how it was told to me by someone who knew. I remember it for another reason - during the winter of 54-55, I got the job of delivering the weekend morning milk for the local Coop. This involved rising at ...see more
The bridge from which this photograph was taken was a "humpitty-backed" stone bridge where a pair of arches spanned the river and a smaller arch crossed the "lade". The bridge was in service from about 1840 until the new bridge was constructed in about 1954. The strange outlook is caused by the semi-damming of the Allan Water to take off water for the "Kork'n'Seal" factory which used the water to drive its machinery. The ...see more
Sixty-four years after the photograph was taken, little had changed when my father Donald Macdonald a resident of Bridge of Allan was buried at the Logie Kirk graveyard just the Ochil's side of the Craig. My Dad was a bus driver for Alexander's and on the day of his burial the roads to Logie Kirk were jammed with single and double-decker buses from Alexanders as almost the entire staff of the ...see more