Croydon Thornton Heath And Norbury

A Memory of Croydon.

I was born and brought up in Croydon and although I now live in the Channel Islands I still regard it as my home. I remember living in Northborough Road, Norbury and attending Norbury Manor Infants School only briefly. We used to go to the ABC Minors on a Saturday morning and my mum used to clean a dance studio next door. We moved to Lower Addisombe Road about 1964ish and we lived at 11 Alexander Road. I vividly remember Halls Butchers on the corner and the general store and sweet shop next door, and the owner who always wore a brown button-up overall and wore the hugest glasses. I also remember Fishers clothes shop and Mr Boxall's horse which lived under Windmill Bridge. We used to play in the rec at the bridge and watch the Brighton Belle pass by. My friends at that time were Linda Tullett who also lived in  Alexander Road and Yvonne Amy an Indian (I think) girl who lived on the corner of Alexander Road and Alexander Place. We used to go shopping down Surrey Street on a Friday and Caters supermarket. We went to St Mary's Secondary School at the time when the fearful Mr Reaney was headmaster and his deputy head was Mrs Ryan - we were all petrified of them. My friend and I were locked in separate dark cupboards for the afternoon on one occasion. I remember Kennards arcade and it was a treat to be given a donkey ride - I can still smell the lovely smell in the arcade from the Indian shop. One abiding memory is Scarborough Road swimming baths, I can recall going there vividy with the school.
I still have very many happy memories of Croydon although I visit rarely and I read the Advetiser regularly, although I can't say I would like to live there now.

Added 26 September 2009


Comments & Feedback

Annie, I used to learn dancing in the dance studio that your Mum maintained in great style, back in 1957. It was known then as the Lonsdale School of Ballroom Dancing and the superb dance teacher at this time was Patricia Teare with whom I took a bronze medal in ballroom dancing at the Café Royal.

I too loved Kennards, especially the ever-changing Arcade. I think Kennards was THE best store in the UK and it was such a sad day when Debenhams took over and re-vamped it.

Best wishes. Phil

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