Nostalgic memories of Croydon's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 242 in total

My first time visiting this site and a message from "Simon" prompted me to add a message. I too remember with fond memories the old Parish Church Infants School. I remember my first day to Facing the church was a pathway on the left leading to the school. I walked with my mum down the flagstone path (some were inscribed gravestones which I tried to skip over). The school gate had a brick archway to it leading into the ...see more
Around 1959 I appeared on the stage of the Davis as part of a group of Lifeboys a junior group of the Baptist church in Selsdon's organisation The Boys Brigade. It must have been a Christmas Revue as it was called Alladin Blue or perhaps billed as the title. For people unfamiliar with this organisation it was the first chidrens organisation that was formed before The Scouts. I started as an Anchor Boy equivalent to the ...see more
I spent spent six weeks there with Scarlet fever. Dinner always seemed to be greens, potatoes and mince , which I still love . The footsteps of the nurses along the wooden outside corridors meant those big injections were on the way. I was six years old at the time .. this would have been in 1957. I shared a ward with a girl from Kings Lynn, we were about the same age, her jokes and laughter as well as the amazing stories she used to regale me with kept me going.
Ah the Forum! What a fine and individual pub! I often wondered why the brewers, Ind Coope, called their pub this! Anyone any ideas????? I was at Croydon college around the time this photo was taken and rather than going to the Greyhound many of us students went to this very different pub! Inside it was circular as I recall with a central bar serving the famous (infamous?) Double Diamond, that, as far as I ...see more
Having recently decided to write my memoirs and having been born in South Croydon in 1947 I have been researching to check my memories are correct. I came upon this great website and have been intrigued to hear others memories of Croydon. I went to Heath Clark which was a secondary school when I joined in 1957 but for reasons I have never found an explanation for it became a Grammar School I think in ...see more
I was at Elmwood from 1957 to 1961 and at the Infants before that. I remember Miss Jobbins the head mistress who used to test our 'reading ages' every now and then. I had Miss Hill in the first year, then someone I can't remember except that she was young, then Mrs Jenkins and finally the terrifying Miss Peters. I can remember some of the girls in my class - Olga Ciuciura, Doreen O'Callaghan, Linda Ellis, Linda Castle, ...see more
I was born 12 peveril St battersea in1949 went to Bolingbroke school spent a lot of time in battersea park, in the 50s we moved out in the 60s due to slum clearance. Have so many happy memories of those days. My name is Derek strapp if anyone remembers me I would like to hear from them.
I went to Coombe Hill House prep school from 1957 to1961 and remember being taken down Surrey Street with my mum and also Kennards arcade.I also remember Grants.Does anyone remember the name of the chain of fruit shops on East Croydon station where my dad used to buy fruits and nuts on a Friday night on his way back from London Bridge station ?
The building in this view with the clock was, in the 1960's, a bank, I don't recall which one but maybe Barclays. I do recall on entering it, the main service counter ran parallel to the High Street and behind it under the windows facing the Whitgift alms houses on the opposite corner was another counter about 20ft [6m] long and 2ft 6" [0,75m] wide completely covered in bundles of notes. 5 Pound, 1 Pound and 10/- notes. ...see more