Devonport, H.M.S. Royal Adelaide 1890
Photo ref: 22465
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More about this scene

This is a fine view of the 'Royal Adelaide' (104 guns). Laid down at Plymouth Dockyard as HMS 'London' in 1819, her name was changed during her somewhat slow construction; she was not launched until July 1828. 'Royal Adelaide' was one of the first ships of the line to have planking right round the bow at the height of the forecastle. The weakest part of all wooden warships from the age of sail was the stern. There are numerous accounts of the destruction caused and carnage wreaked by a warship crossing the stern of another and raking it with gunfire at close quarters. The original specification for 'Royal Adelaide' called for the strengthening of the stern and reducing the size of the windows in the officers' quarters. Officers raised such objections that the plans were dropped and her stern remained open.

Memories of Devonport, H.M.S. Royal Adelaide 1890

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My wife's great great grandfather served on the Royal Adelaide
My great uncle served on the training ship HMS impregnable in 1920 Devonport before it was out of service 1921. When it was broken up and timbers used to rebuild and refurbish Liberty Store London. It was called various names in her past. Howe, Bulwark. Wendy Candlin
Hi My Grand-father John Ralph Cantell started his Royal Navy career on board this ship. 22nd May -4th June 1886. He served until 1908, had a few years off! and then was called up for WW1, and served from 1914-1919.
My great grandfather, William Collins, (born Morval, 1854) served on The Royal Adelaide 9 times between July 1874 and December 1889. Good to 'feel' a connection via this photo and other memories of folk who's own relatives must have served with great grandfather.