Fleetwood, Gardens 1953
Photo ref: F33610
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A Selection of Memories from Fleetwood

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Fleetwood

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Hello, I'm on a mission here, if anyone can help me. Does anyone remember the Stella Marina that sailed out of Fleetwood in 1969? This was a cruise ship, leased from Norway by a local company, Norwest Hovercraft and sailed to the Isle of Man three times a week and then on the weekend did starlight cruises around Morecambe Bay. If anyone has any photos of the crew and the hostesses at that time, please ...see more
Does anyone remember a Mcaffeys (not sure of spelling) sweet shop in Fleetwood in the 1930's. The daughter (Miss Mcaffey) was a teacher at St Wulstans infant/primary school in the mid 1930's. I am trying to trace what street it was on as my Dad was trying to remember.
I attended Stella Maris from 1955 to 1965, my peers at the time being Susan Burns, Sharon Crook, Susan Flaherty (best friend), Ann Caulfield, Rosaleen Steadman: Anne Lindley, Pat Langley, Catherine Mansell are other names I remember. Best memories? Fish and chips school lunch on Fridays, tennis on the courts at the park, english lessons. Worst memories? Sister Theresa who was deadly with the back of a blackboard duster ...see more
Fleetwood has many fond memories for me as a child through my teenage years.