Fornethy Residential School

A Memory of Fornethy Residential School.

I can not remember exactly when i was there was 70,s or and 80,s i remember all the chorea we had to do i cant remember what house i was in i was there with my 2 sisters on 1 occasion my sister was ill in 1of the upstairs dorms we where going on 1 of the long long walks she was allowed somebody to stay with he but me or my other sister wasnt allowed
I also remember easter we got the boiled eggs went for the walk and got to roll them down a hill that was full of cow dung and we were still made to eat them.

I remember the song we we made up and sang about the school it went like

Ontop of fornethy all covered in snow i sh-- my poor teacher 5 minutes ago
I sh-- her with pleasure
And the rest

I rember the kitchen atea where we use to eat it was 5 or 6 to a table you had to eat every single thing i was force fed once somebody stootup to 1 of the teachers because of it she got a terrible slap and got dragged out the dinner room screaming many a time to this day i have a eating disorder i remember the Caster oil punishments and the bar of soap in the mouth
The medicals we had to get before we went to amd the constant hair checking for nits
The movie nights where good we got tuck shop if we where good and there where singing sessions like church

I remember out side the house the play area we had and the wee shop or was it a wee house in it where we would play thats the only good memory i have and sitting in the back row of the bus they took is on singing 3 little birds
We all got to write letters home but we where told what we could write about and what we couldnt
If any body remembers this and would like to message me you can at

Added 13 July 2019


Comments & Feedback

I was there in the late 70s and 80s and I remember going for showers with about 8pthers and two wee ladies would bath us 2 in each bath it was embarrassing.I also remember I was sick eating sweet corn as I hated it and was spoon fed it after it was put back on my plate.This one lady Miss Robertson was nasty we went hill walking and if you were sore and cried we had to lie and roll down .She sat outside our dorms at night we had to leave a slipper and underwater on our chair at bottom of bed and it was checked if it had any marks ppl were given the slipper.if you were heard passing wind if anyone laughed you were put out your dorm for hours to stand in dark it was creepy my sister done itx
I really don't think we should have been treated the way we were it was sometimes horrifying being made to shower and get out and dried in 3 minutes if you were over it you were made to polish everyone's shoesx
I also went to Fornethy School in the 80’s twice Reeklin & Foter where the Dom’s I was in.
I would like to get in contact with some of you ladies that went the same time as me, I’ve many memories.
Was thinking of going for a drive up there sometime.

I was there 1964 I would like speak to you tel 07739422950
Myself and young sister got sent here supposedly on holiday either 77/78 at age 9 or 10 for i think 1 month ..may have been 6 weeks . On my 2nd night there because i got into my little sisters bed as she was 5 years younger and crying i was dragged out my sisters bed by my hair in a thin nighty and made to put wellies on to stand into 1 of them big,dark ,cold misereble corriders so i tried to run away to my uncle in Perth to tell him what was happening and because the teachers where downstairs drinking they never heard me go out the back door through the kitchen and i got found in a country road and got taken back during the night by police...was then made to stand in corrider for another 3 nights with various teachers slapping and spitting on me on their way past..I always wondered if i was only 1 who heard them drinking and playing abba songs during the night..Was also made to copy from blackboard what we where to write home about once a week to make it sound like a fantastic holiday to family at home.Also remember the welts on my skinny lil legs from all the hill walking in the pouring rain with just little thin ankle socks underneath,the welts where so bad i still had them when i got home.So many other horror stories from my time there i would like to hear from anyone who was there around the same time as me.I can be found on Facebook as Susan Marshall anyone is welcome to private message me anytime.
hi susan im fornethy i help the fornethy survivors fb page if you want chat
hi susan gorman im fornethy if you nd chat
hi angie im fornethy contact me if you wish mazreid'
Hi seen your comment I was there as we’ll probably not the same time as you I just want to know about miss Robison was that the teacher that had glass and used to teach knitting ?
Hi susan im a fornethy survivor my e mail if u want chat

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