Great Braxted, The Village c.1965
Photo ref: G94012
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A Selection of Memories from Great Braxted

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Great Braxted

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Around 1960 I lived in the village shop with my parents and brother and our "grandmother" Molly Parr. She was not really related to us, my mother had been lodged with her when she was in the land army and they became firm friends for life. The shop used to house the Post office and library and stocked all you could want for day to day life, even fireworks in November. We moved out when I ...see more
My grandparents lived in Braxted Park where my grandfather was a gamekeeper. They lived in Pundict Cottage, and having looked at local maps, I am wondering whether the house known as Pundict Lodge is built on the same site. Does anyone know?
Years ago my grandad had a small garage and workshop at the side of the Du-Cane Arms. My dad was born there and went to scool at Great Tottom. My grandad is buried in Great Braxted Church and my nanna is there too. In the last few years dad  (Anthony Percy Stevens who died in 2005) was buried also in Great Braxted Church, and in 2008 my mum Alfreda Emily Stevens died and she also is burried with my dad in ...see more