Kingsbury, The Swimming Pool c.1965
Photo ref: K142048
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A Selection of Memories from Kingsbury

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Kingsbury

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I started off in Roe Green Village, all through the War years, I did National Service in Singapore from 1952 to 1954, married my childhood sweetheart Jean Wilson in 1955 she was head girl at Claremont Secondary School in Kenton in the late forties. We left Kingsbury in 1974 and moved to Hertfordshire. I am surprised not more mentioned of Roe Green Village in the memories as it celebrated its ...see more
Does any 'old codger' who lives locally remember the name of this shop? We moved into the area, just before The Queen's Coronation, the first residents in the newly built block of flats on The Mall, next door to the fire station. Every sunday, there were queues out of the door, it was the only shop open for groceries and it too, closed at 1.00PM. For some reason, my parents always ...see more
This pub was around until about 2004. It is now a Tesco we haven't got enough of those already!!
I'm trying to track down the newspaper article on the story below from around 1960 that my dad recently shared with me, does anyone recall the shoe shop called Argos Shoes (or similar) or can offer any other info that might help me? When I was about 15 or so, Dad was the manager of 5 shops called ‘Argos’ based in Kingsbury and other areas in North London. One day 3 girls, ...see more