Nostalgic memories of Little Sutton's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 71 - 76 of 76 in total

Our family have a long association with the school. Our grandfather William Short born 1884 was educated there, also our mother Hilda Short born 1920. Then the school taught both primary and secondary education. My mother leaving when she was 14yrs to do a hairdressing apprenticeship. Our nana, Mary Short was one of the cooks when we were there, and no we didn't get any extra helpings of that lovely ...see more
I started at Berwick Road C of E School in 1957 together with some of the people referred to in the other memories ie: Heather Wallis, Christopher Bennior, Lorraine Staton.  There were others obviously such as Margot Raynor and Linda Richards.  Linda Richards lived in an old house in Berwick Road opposite the School - Berwick Road was just off the main Chester Road and the school had been built circa ...see more
We moved to Rivacre in 1960, within sound of the baths. I spent most of my summer holidays there. My cousin Paul James's mum worked on the gate and the owner's son Stephen Williams was my friend at primary school.
Ah yes, The Rec!  Scene of many a battle and many a cup final, in later years there was romance!  You could get through the hedge and down onto the railway line to put halfpennies on the line that got flattened by trains as they ran over them. At the End of Heath Lane, or more accurately at the junction with New Chester Road, a bobby did point duty at busy times.  I can remember one day going to school and making a dash ...see more
From Berwick Road School, several classes would be assembled in a long line two by two and walk the half mile or so along Heath Lane to the recreation ground, or the Rec as it was called, for school games. We would pass the houses of school mates David Griffiths, David Anchor, Heather Wallis, Denise Southey and Loraine Staton. The line of pupils would regularly come to a halt and Steve Owen would call out "Its a hold ...see more
Started at Berwick Road School September 1958 along with Christopher Bennion, Terence Taylor, Tony Duncan, Susan and Sandra Blackburne and John Moore.  I remember the Winter that year gave us a huge patch of ice in the playground where we joyfully slid until we went in for lessons.  When we came out for break the caretaker had thrown ash all over our slide and it was no more!