Good Times In Weaste

A Memory of Salford.

Hello I have just read Steve Buck's article - you will remember me Steve, I was born in 1958 and we went to St Lukes at the same time. It was magic growing up in Weaste. As you know, there wasn't any money about but never the less we filled our time with football, making dens and getting into bombed out houses as we used to call them.
Although I went to Brookhouse C of E Secondary school, I was expelled in the 3rd year and ended up at Hope Hall the same as you.
Do you remember Gary Fellows, Eddie Fernly, Leso, Olly, Bri Wood, Nelly Booth, Baino, Kev Woodward, etc, etc, course you do. I have written a book called A PROPER STORY published by Salford city Press go on there web site to find out how to buy it. Tragically, my son Remi died 5 years ago and as you can imagine it blew my life apart, but an old pal of mine, Nick Turnbull (of Granada TV fame) had been trying to persuade me to write my memoirs for 10 years and finally got his way.
Two years after the death of my son, my head started to clear a little and I thought if I wrote a book and included some stories about Rem it would stand as a lasting tribute to him, cos he was a chip off the old block and he was a very, very funny young man with a wicked sense of humour.
Dont be misguided, this book is not about grief and sadness, in fact it is the absolute opposite and I guarantee an body who buys it will piss themselves with laughter,
I have done a few radio interviews about the book promoting it and they went well with the help of radio broadcasters like Pete Dwan, Eamonn Oneill, and Jimmy Wag. Next up is Ted Robbins' show (he was Den Perry off Phoenix Nights) really looking forward to that, anyway grab the book and let me know what you think.

Cheers for now YO

Added 18 August 2012


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