Southbourne, Cliffs And Beach c.1950
Photo ref: S153055
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A Selection of Memories from Southbourne

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Southbourne

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That could be me scrambling down the sea wall onto the beach.......I spent my young years, into my early twenties, in our beach hut, on the beach and in the sea. I was born in Seabourne Nursing Home, just in from the cliff, a little further along (East) from where this photo was taken. Unfortunately there was no promenade/sea wall then and our house, on the Overcliff Drive, eventually fell into the sea! I still look at the space on the clifftop when I visit.....
Any body who knew my brother please contact me . He was at Mount Pleasant School Sept 1956 to July 1957. He drowned on southbourne beach near the school while playing ball with fellow pupils Michael Gordon Patterson and Benjamin Foxley. Anybody who knew these boys )and my brother please contact me. Also anybody who knows where Michael Patterson is or any friends or relatives of Ben Foxley. Thank you so much. I will post pics.
My grandparents lived in Stourwood Avenue near junction with Stourwood Rd. I visited most years (age 3 to 15). Some houses on the top of the were in danger of falling over the cliff & had to be taken down. Gordon Hotel at top of road ( occupied by military during war & demolished shortly after). Of course access to sands not possible during war barricades in sea, all piers blown up & anti-air ...see more
I was at Mount Pleasant School as a boarder for 6 years from 1946 to 1952. The school was in Dalmeny Road but apparently was taken down in 1965. I have been trying to find anyone who attended this school. Before going to school there I lived in Southern Road during the last 3 years of the war and remember all the American vehicles parked down our road probably preparing for D-day. I have been back many times ...see more