Aston, The Village c.1950
Photo ref: A134002
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A Selection of Memories from Aston

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Aston

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I was born in Aston Terrace in 1954 and remember running to the bridge to see the steam trains and also the big slag heap that my brothers used to slide down. I also remember the gas man that used to light the street gas lamps outside our house. We lived on the middle terrace; I remember their was the Davises, the Tomkins, the Jones's, and the Tipples. We moved to a new council estate in Aston about 1958. I then went to ...see more
I lived on Rosedale Road and went to Aston Springwood School. I have good memories of my life there, my friends were; Josie Jones, Julie White, Linda Vardy, Norma Tomkins, Susan Edwards and Maralyn Davis. I moved to Cheshire in 1975 after getting married but my family still live around the Aston area. I have lots of happy memories of my life in Aston through the 60's & 70's.
I was born on Alexander Road in 1944 and moved to 79 Aston Terrace in 1945 and these were one of the best times in my life. We were known as the middle row and I can remember most people in the row; Tylers, Barnses, Davises, Scotts, Hibberts, Hazards, Marshes, Tipples, Jones, Adsetts, Scarfs, Dewicks, Tompkins. I remember we used to go down to a place called 'the hillies' where there was a small pond and sand and ...see more
I remember sliding down Outcrop and sitting on wooden steps leading to Brookhouse pit. On pay day miners used to give us some coppers and we would share them out. I used to go and see Guddy Pearson, a homeless man who lived in one of derelict houses on Aston Terrace. Our roundabout was at the sewerage, they had a thing like a roundabout with water coming out on a bed of stones. I can also remember when a cage accident ...see more