Bredgar, The Street c.1960
Photo ref: B581003
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More about this scene

The church of St John has a beautiful tower, which overlooks this splendid-looking family home. In February 1960 the church bells rang throughout the villages of Kent to herald the birth of Prince Andrew.

A Selection of Memories from Bredgar

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Bredgar

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I lived next door to John Veitch in Pond Farm Road, Borden. Sadly John passed away many years ago... John and his brother Sid owned Parsonage Farm. I spend as many hours as I could on the farm and can still smell the smell of the cows and in the summer the harvesting of the wheat. The tractor driver was John Luckhurst, he allowed me to ride on his tractor all the time. Health and Safety would have a fit ...see more