Nostalgic memories of Churt's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 11 - 17 of 17 in total

I used to camp as a child and teenager at Crosswater down the road [my father knew the then owner] and one of my memories is of driving past the hotel en-route from Farnham. I stayed here as a birthday treat in 2003 and went on walks around Frensham Common, and celebrated my 60th birthday here with family members in 2005. I have a framed photo of the hotel [1906] in my bedroom and have ordered the 'Crosswater Farm and the Devil's Jumps' print.
From approximately 1950 when I was five to 1962, I camped almost every year with my family at 'Crosswater', either at Easter or Whitsun. The property was then owned by two Unwin sisters who allowed us to stay in the 'horses field' with our small caravan and tent. Permission was kindly given by Miss Unwin and latterly Mrs Unwin for we Londoners to stay there after my father Tony Clark had camped there with the ...see more
My mother and my step-father lived in the flat above Strattons from about 1965? They loved it there and were very upset when they had to leave. Their names were Alec and Pam Munday. He worked as a plumber for Strattons. He died about ten years ago but my mother lives in Godalming now. My aunt Wendy Jones still lives in Churt in Green Hanger, and my uncle Danny Jones works in the Crossways Pub sometimes. We ...see more
My grandmother was one of Lloyd George and Lady Lloyd George's land army girls. My family were very close to them.
My great grandmother Lilian Clark was born and brought up in the right hand cottage. The last family member to live there was my great uncle Frank Clark who died in the mid 1980s.
Brings back memories of watching the driver remove the 'Limited Stop' board from the front of the Bus and to change back to Number 19. Use to live above Strattons Shop; my Bedroom use to overlook the Bus Stop and Overtons Garage.
My parent's (and myself) first home - above Strattons shop - mother's maiden name as my mother's father & brothers were joint owners of the business. Head branch was in Beacon Hill where my mother was born. I myself was born not far away in St George's Wood Nursing Home, Grayswood (1959). Moved in 1966 and have been in Frensham ever since. The photo itself may prove interesting as it may prove that one of the two people in ...see more