Congresbury, Station Road c.1955
Photo ref: C234002
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A Selection of Memories from Congresbury

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Congresbury

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I was only a nipper in 1942 but recall clearly the German bombing raids Weston had to survive. Bristol was their main target, but to get a smart getaway they would fly over Weston shedding any spare bombs as they went and unfortunately Weston was right in their flight path. Barrage balloons surrounded the town but were often shot down by the enemy. I lived in Coombe Cottage, which was, if I recall, ...see more
I can't be 100% sure but this is a great likeness of myself and my brother Rob... I have fished this swim for large roach since the early 1990s and we still fish the weirpool to the present day. I have had many happy memories here and have some nice photos of truly outstanding catches. I have also met some lovely old boys there and have enjoyed hearing their tales of whoppers caught in the days of way back when the river here used to be tidal. They even used to have flatfish competitions!!
I was born in Congresbury in 1951 and lived there until I joined the army in 1966. I have very fond memmories of growing up there, one of the fondest was riding the strawberry train from Cheddar to Yatton. My uncle ran the the local coal business and had his coal delivered at Congresbury station. I attended the local primary school and the local choir under the direction of the Reverent Cran who we all ...see more
My mother's family is from Bristol and my first memory of going to Congresbury is when I was four, in 1984. Me, my mom and my three older brothers went to visit my grandma and grandpa in their beautiful cottage home, on Orchard Lea. The beautiful flowers, crab apple trees, the smell of summer...the list goes on. I remember going snail picking and being too scared to eat one. My grandpa would make us kids ice cream ...see more