Cowes, Girls Paddling 1913
Photo ref: 66317Y
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A Selection of Memories from Cowes

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Cowes

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I was born in Cowes, so many lovely photos! I left for Canada in 1957, Vancouver Island. Sidney, BC, reminds me of a Canadian Cowes. I know all the locations that you display. Things changed a bit over the years, but on a visit I bought a lovely sweat shirt at Atkeys Chandlers, and stayed at the Solent Inn. I saw the old Denmark Road School is now Condos. We used to go to the big air raid shelters in the ...see more
My late father Donald Jack Baker was born at Cowes on the 18/8/1910, he would later become my father in Bulawayo, Rhodesia (Now Zimbabwe) on the 20/6/1940. Through no fault of our father we children grew up in homes and were later fostered out. All through the years we received little parcels from our grandmother and great grandmother Eva Irene, and Emily Ada Baker nee Baggs. I have recently stood at ...see more
I worked in my Aunts ladies wear shop (Kays), and remember being flodded when heavy rain combined with high tide caused the shop to have water running through from back to the front with my friend Maureen and myself sweeping the ensuing water out of the front door. In those days the floor was bare board and it soon dried out. As it was summer we thought it was good fun and no harm was caused.
This was the Red Funnel ship Noris Castle an ex tank landing craft.