Diss, Mere Mouth 1925
Photo ref: 77328
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A Selection of Memories from Diss

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Diss

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I was born on the Ling,moved to Palgrave,returned to the Ling on leaving Diss Secondary Modern School as it was then.First job was as an apprentice baker at Denny's cafe/restaurant,who remember Denny's?.as a teenager it was the Rendevous coffee bar the local meeting point on Victoria Road.Now living in Nottinghamshire.
I lived in Diss in the 50's at 14A Sunnyside Street. My parents were the Salvation Army officers. The house we lived in was behind the Salvation Army hall. I remember buying a pomegranate, from the market on the way to school and eating it with a pin. There was a boy who lived in a house overlooking the Mere that went to my school, I seem to remember he had some sort of disability I visited his house to play. There was a ...see more
I was born in Diss but now live in Kilmarnock, if my memory serves me well, down Mount Street, where my granny on my mother's side lived. We, me and my brother, used to visit our cousins who lived beside gran and play in The Rectory Meadows behind it (Mike Webb and The Noble Clan). I'm still in contact with my other cousin, Pat, also known as Lucy, who's now in the States but hoping to come back home soon. My ...see more
I lived in the Court in Diss as a 3 and 4 year old girl. My father was in the US Airforce so we moved all over the world. The Court has special memories for us. My sister Sharon was born in the house. I remember beautiful gardens, apple, pear and peach orchards. I just recently found it for sale and was able to share the photos of the old house with my mother (84 years old now) and my sister Sharon (53 yr old). A Mr ...see more