Gaywood, The Clock Tower c.1965
Photo ref: G189020
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More about this scene

The Clock Tower is an uncommon form of memorial to the fallen of World War I: it was first erected in 1920, and has since been moved slightly to avoid obstructing the traffic. Once a village in its own right, Gaywood had become no more than a suburb of Lynn by the date of this photograph.

A Selection of Memories from Gaywood

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Gaywood

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My grandfather was the owner of Gaywood Hall; my mother lived here with her four sisters. I still have old photos and I'm hoping to visit for my 70th birthday in September 2013 with my two children. I cannot remember the hall, but have always wanted to see where my family lived, and visit the area.
On the night I was born at Gaywood Nursing Home, Lord Hawhaw had given a message on the radio that the Germans would be bombing Gaywood Clock, and I was put under a table in the cellar. My father was in the special branch of the Home Guard having been invalided out of the RAF where he had been a fighter pilot.
I have lived in Gaywood for 74 years attented school ín Gaywood and attented st Faiths Church Gaywood, and known many of the old families of Gaywood, I have so many memories growing up in Gaywood both in the war and peace time, we lived in Hulton Road at one time part of the large Bagge estate we played in the large field in front of the hall, the Bagge family owned most of Gaywood and the last member ...see more
My late grandmother, Sheila Clifford (Bagge) Evans, grew up at Gaywood Hall. I was very close to her and she shared many stories of growing up in this area with me. I live in the U.S., specifically Arizona, but hope to someday travel to Norfolk. posted May 27, 2007 by: Cristi (Barraza) Watson