Nostalgic memories of Little Sutton's local history

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Displaying Memories 31 - 40 of 76 in total

I remember the town hall well, situated at the traffic lights, Station Road, opposite Hollywood car sales. There was a bench seat at the rear and even ladies and gents toilets on each side. Many an evening was spent there, attempting to keep out of Copper Jones's clutches, chatting to school pals and eyeing up the girls. Oh, what fun in those heady days. And later gathering there on our motor bikes, ...see more
I am wondering if anyone has any old picutures of the above schools, I went to both of them. Sadly the old infants class rooms have gone now and approx. 10 years ago the original junior school was burnt down. Can anyone remember any of the teachers? The teachers I can remember as follows: Infant School ... Miss Lavender, Mrs Langford, (Mrs Crow but I wasn't in Mrs Ccrow's class), ...see more
I remember my father going quite often to Bennions timber yard, the smell of sawn timber, also in the yard was a blacksmith, who when I was child was in his 90s, I remember the horses coming in the be shod, and I was allowed to pump up the coals, and watch. Also just a few doors down was Irwins, a family friend Gerry Thomas was the manager of the shop, he and his wife Eve lived in the huge flat above the shop.
My g g uncle George and Aunt Louisa had the Travellers Rest from about 1881, he is still there in 1901, they raised 7 children there, all who at one time or another worked for their parents. He left there and went to the Bowling Green public house in Chester. If anyone has a photo of him I would love to have a copy.
Oh, I remember so many things that have been previously written about the village. In the late 1960s I used to work in Keith hairdressers, next to the Bon Bon, and on my day off I used to work in the Bon Bon. The then owners were Race Beecroft, and Keith her son owned the hairdressers. Many years later my daughter worked in the Bon Bon at the weekends before going to university. Ernie Dale had the barbers next to ...see more
I'm researching my family history, and would like to hear from anyone who might know anything of Thomas Taylor (1823-96) a farmer, his son Thomas (1856-93) and daughter May Bell, after whom May Bell Cottage, New Road, was apparently named. My ancestor Sarah Taylor, who was born in Scotland, lived there aged 85 in 1911. Does May Bell Cottage still exist? Any related Taylors out there? I can offer detailed family history in exchange! Thank you! Regards, Rod.
The two were certainly there until 1939. They were small and in typical Victorian dress with 'chokers' etc. To me as a child they seemed about 80 but obviously that may be wrong. The shop was full of sweets in glass jars etc and the counter was on the right-hand side. I do not know if they lived behind the shop. As you went in the door immediately in front of you was a tall (4 foot high?) black cylinder with a ...see more
I have just come across this site whilst doing family history research. I know that two of my great aunts, Charlotte and Edith McGlashen, ran the Bonbon sweet shop. This would have been during the 1920s or 30s as my mother used to visit them as a child. I wondered whether anyone has any memories of them or the shop in its earlier years? I was surprised to find it still in existence under its original name.
Hi Peter, where do you think they lived?  We definitely called the house on the corner of Duddleston and Black Lion Lane "Mitchelmores". Are you related to Dr. Pennington who had a practice in the 1950's and 60's on Chester Road?
Hi, I am writing to see if anyone remembers the history of 'Cows Lane', Little Sutton. Many years ago a land-owner called Benich owned the lane, it was originally called Benich Lane, does anyone have any memories of this or old maps confirming this? My uncle has contacted the local council to have the lane named correctly. The council has agreed if he can find any proof they will re-name it. Can anyone help or advise me on this? Many thanks, Linda.