Marchwood, c.1965
Photo ref: M315007
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A Selection of Memories from Marchwood

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Marchwood

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I have family who lived in a house called Wembley at Marchwood during the war and the family surname was Churchill the family story goes that the daughter called Lizzy was aledged to be a bit simple was left in charge by her mother Kate of younger siblings because the children were bored Lizzy gave the children a box of matches to play with and the thatch caught fire and the house burnt down any truthful information on these events would be gratefully received
I was very lucky to grow up at The Cottage Twiggs lane marchwood , i was Michele Ingram then ! we had a lovely place to grow up and being cut off by the bye pass it was a place where everyone knew each other . The people I grew up around Bundays, Seviers, Smths, Nobles Strides,Dellers, Butts and Longmans to name but a few! My happiest days were playing in the forest , we live on Barker-Mill estate ...see more
I moved to Marchwood in the mid 1960s, I was not very old. We lived in an old house on the edge of the village, called Glengarriff. The old house was pulled down many years ago. I attended Marchwood Primary school. Mr. Smith was the Headmaster. Most of the children who attended the school came from the army quarters. Marchwood was just a village then. People would stand and chat over their ...see more
I do not know Marchwood but I recently found that my father was killed in a motorbike accident on the Southampton Road in Marchwood in 1958.