Nostalgic memories of Middleton's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 6 Memories

It all started in May of 1945, the week the War ended in Europe, I was born, whether that had anything to do with the war ending I have no Idea! I was born at 88 Hunter St, all gone now, knocked down a long time ago. I lived with my grand parents at 79 Hunter St for many years, no need to go into details as to why, 79 was attached to the local Co-Op shop, the house was rented from the ...see more
I started to work at Middi baths in 75 as a lifeguard. It was an old run down building but still had a lot of character, the pool was 33ft by 10ft and 10ft deep at the deep end. It wasn't just a pool because on days past, the pool would be emptied and a wooden dance floor set up. It also had what we would call slipper baths (normal bath tubs were you could pay a fee and have a good soak). I remember all the ...see more
I was born in Middleton in 1957 and we lived in Pork Street which I believe no longer exist. People I remember living there at the same time are the Woods family, Peter and Trevor Fox with their mum and dad, Conrad and his family (I think their last name was Slater). I have a photo of Conrad and me at a wedding. I was a bridesmaid and he was a pageboy - I think we where aged about 5 or 6. I went to Tong ...see more
Worked at David's greengrocers Long St 1960. Went to Dunford St school. Always ate at Tommy's chippie; pudding, chips and peas 2/6 and change. Lived on Hollins Estate then. Anyone out there remembers me? Bash Baker, teddy boy in those days.
My Aunt Emma was born Emma Blood, she had two sisters Ivy and Lily all born in Middleton by Wirksworth. Emma was born circa 1903. In the 1920s she was a domestic at what she called the 'big house at Ashbourne'. She started courting Thomas Gould, he was born Wirksworth and every night he would walk from Wirksworth to Ashbourne, leaving home as clean as a button but by the time he got back home he looked ...see more
I spent my youth living just around the corner form the Hall. Many happy memories playing in the surrounding woods and snow permitting sledging down the steep hill just in front of the photo. You had to pull up really sharp though at the end of your run, or risk over-shooting into the river at the bottom of the hill. There used to be an Italian ice crean dairy in the outbuildings just behind the hall, ...see more