Nostalgic memories of Rhes-y-Cae's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 2 Memories

I can remember visiting my Aunty Myvanwy and Uncle Elvert Parry with my father in Rhes Y Cae (Mountain View just up the track from the Miners PH). Great times, sadly my father passed away but I recall walking from Bagillt across Halkyn Mountain on numerous occasions to see them. Sadly they have both passed away and the house still stands today with an old railway coach in the back field. Always wondered a railway wagon made it over a mountain.... Great memories
My mum's best friend's father owned a cottage - Bryn Siriol- near Rhes-Y-Cae in the 1950s and 60s and some of my happiest childhood memories are of our annual holidays there. I remember going down to the farm (Black Lion Farm) in the village to get milk and water (no running water in Bryn Siriol!) from Mrs Reece. She had 2 sons - Peter and Tom. I think Tom may still be living in Rhes-Y-Cae. I remember ...see more