Nostalgic memories of Seaton Carew's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 6 Memories

My great grandmother lived in the Staincliffe Cottages in 1905. Her name was Margaret Brown, she had 3 children that I know of. Tom, who played for the Poolies, John, who was wounded in the 1st World War and succumbed to his injuries, and Maude Alice. Granny Brown, her sister Elizabeth and my grandmother Maude came to Canada shortly after 1909. Does anyone know of her or her family?
My memory of the Baths was getting up at 6.30am to get there for the First Session at 7am. I would swim until 8am then either ride on my bike or walk along the Seafront and Mainsforth Terrace, past the Coal Staithes to Middleton where I was an Office Boy at Richardsons Westgarth. It was great on a fine morning but not so good when it rained. Being only 15 at the time I used to do some silly things, one ...see more
My Mam and Dad who lived in the town for over 45 years until they moved to Adelaide 16 years ago have recently moved back to Seaton Carew and bought 13a The Cliff (which is the first house you can see from left to right in picture). In the last 100 years I reckon the house has seen a lot happy memories, let's hope they contiune.
My father waa from Seaton Carew. He was called Douglas Wilson and had 3 sisters I think, Marilyn was one, and a brother, Keith. I remember visiting during the late 1960 early 1970s. I think my grandparents ran a police section house but can't find any info about any relatives or a police section house. I think my grandfather was Arthur or Ernest and my grandmother's maiden name was Robson.If you have any info please leave a comment or e-mail me at:
When I was eleven years old I went to Galleys Field School in Hartlepool and I have memories of going to the baths with the school. I was Ruth Thompson then. The baths were salty and usually cold as they were fed by the sea. There were changing rooms at both ends of the baths and I remember going there one day with the school when they were having some work done to the changing rooms at the ...see more
I lived in Seaton Carew from about 1944 to 1947. My parents ran a boarding house at 4 The Cliffe, (my sister was born there) adjacent to the Staincliffe, which as I recall (I was a 4 year old) was occupied by RAF personnel. I recall the bad winter of 1946, and the tremendous amount of snowfall. My first schooldays (kindergarten?) were at Seaton Carew. We used to go hunting for crabs on Blackhall rocks when the tide was out. Still have some old family photos taken on the beach.