Nostalgic memories of Slough's local history

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Displaying Memories 71 - 80 of 94 in total

Ouch! Someone mentioned the old Library in William Street. On the way home from Langley Grammar a few of us used to go to the Library to do our homework before travelling on (me on the 460 to Wraysbury). Outside the Library was a newspaper board and I vividly remember that the board showed that the Manchester United team had been involved in an air crash. Having seen the great Duncan Edwards play and, like a lot ...see more
Langley, We had our wedding reception here in 1968
Walked past here daily to W Penn Secondary school, rough but the first school to take any interest in me.
Old Library and toilets on right, I was introduced to reading there, exit from open market through the arch on left.
The Granada on the left and down the road, the new cop shop. On the right would have been Herschels house, demolished of course!
In front is the Crown PH. Later Slough College was built behind the left hand side, in the 60's when we were at the College we used to eat at The Foresters, a pub on the left, pie mash & beans and a light and lime (sorry!) cost 2/6d! a bit further on there was an arch to the open market, you could walk thru and out onto Wlliam St (?) I remember the army surplus shop in there.
Methodist Central Hall and Co-op on right, the Co-op were good tailors and barbers. I got a prize as a kid, presented at Central Hall by George Cansdale (an early TV animal presenter) for designing a National Savings poster.
I lived in Upton Park throughout my childhood and also attended St Mary's School in Herschel Street. I also recall regular visits to the ABC cafe after school in my teens. The Crown Hotel was just about opposite the ABC, on the corner of the High Street. The Granada Cinema was a favourite haunt, as was the Adelphi where I first saw the Beatles. I had a Saturday job in Timothy Whites the chemist in the High Street and also ...see more
I remember going to Slough on a Saturday night in 1958. I was fifteen years old. My hair was well greased and combed back at the sides and ending in a D.A. at the back together a quiff at the front. I was dressed in my best jacket, which was far too big for me, but that was the style then, and with very tight drainpipe trousers. This had been done by a woman who charged me a mere five shillings for her ...see more
I sat under this very tree in about 1960 and wrote a counterpoint musical exercise. I remember this park so well, we had a love-in there in 1967 attended by the famous Sid Rawle.