Sonning, High Street c.1955
Photo ref: S149046X
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A Selection of Memories from Sonning

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Sonning

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Hello Chris, sadly we had moved from Sonning before your grandfather arrived. Our cottage was tied to my father's work so when he was transferred to Sindlesham we ended up in another tied cottage. I have such fond memories of Sonning and believe it is the loveliest place.
My father worked at Sonning Mill before transferring to Sindlesham Mill, his name was Fred Hopkins, he was a rollerman, we lived in a row of small cottages with a yard behind the cottages and a very long narrow garden . my mother cooked on a range. Mr and Mrs Vooght lived next door, they had a big black dog chained by the back door which knocked me down as a young child and snapped at my face whilst pinning me down with his ...see more
As my article states, I lived and grew up at Sonning Mill which means I lived in Sonning Eye a great area to grow with lots of friends.
My father started working at the mill after leaving the army at the end of the second world war as he needed a place to live because my mother was about to give birth to me. It was unfortunate but at that time there were no empty houses so he was given a farmhouse situated about 2 miles away which was owned by the same family that owned the mill. When I was aged 4 we were very lucky ...see more