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Displaying Memories 481 - 560 of 36585 in total

Ice cream was a special treat in our house back in the 1950's. The brand we had was always Lyons Maid, vanilla or strawberry, considered superior to Walls. But for those special occasions, especially during summer, we would enjoy an icecream treat at Toni's famous ice cream parlour in Welling High Street. Then early one summer evening while at home in Gipsy Road, the sound of Greensleaves suddenly ...see more
I was up Daviot way on holiday recently and wondered what Meallmore lodge was up to . I worked at Meallmore Lodge in the early 70 's as a trainee chef under the watchful eye of the McLeod family . The Meallmore and the McLeod family were fantastic to work for and I was well looked after as I was around 15 years old at the time. HAPPY MEMORIES 🙂
by Mr Alex Hillary (April 6th 2007) - as reported to Susan Hedworth, Community Care Assistant No, we don’t get the snow like we used to! Like it was in 1941, I mean. I was a taxi driver at Dilston Hall then and I used to bike to work. Never missed a day! There was me and the postman all the way from Prudhoe along the road through Riding Mill – just us two. And it’s a canny ...see more
When very young I used to go with my father to the huge allotments opposite the parade of shops in Wrotham Road. It was always on a Sunday when the hut shop was open for the sale of seed, fertiliser and garden accessories, and it was where he bought seed potatoes and Growmore for his vegetable bed. Then one weekend we discovered chains on the main gate and the allotments no longer open. Not long ...see more
Brought my first football kit at Wally Kilminster, was after a full Southampton kit but ended up coming away with a Man City reserve kit as they didn't have my size.
I spent most weekends and school holidays in my Nan's little caravan on Pantymwyn Caravan Park from about 1974. I remember going to Mr Rich's for a gas bottle, going to the water stand as Nan's van was a little old thing lit by gas with no running water. I remember the yearly donkey derby and just happy, happy times in the surroundings of the beautiful village. I did go back a few years ago and Mrs Rich ...see more
I was born in Barkingside and remember the Holy Trinity Church (Rev. Newman), where I was baptised, confirmed and married. I left in 1965. Memories abound! Especially riding my bike to Barton's bakery during Easter to buy hot cross buns for breakfast. I seem to remember they were a penny three farthings each. Rossi's lemon ice. Marment's toy store, where my dad would buy model aircraft for us to ...see more
My parents moved from Pentire to Crantock when I was about 3 and Crantock is certainly ingrained in my memory as being my first home. My mother had taken a position as housekeeper to a Dr Nicholas and with it came Rose Cottage. My father worked as a gardener, this was before he took a job with the Western National busses as a conductor. I have memories of him coming home in his gardening clothes, I used to run and ...see more
Was anyone at St Michaels school 1968/69 ? Mr. Thomas class.. Colin James…had a motorbike.. Or David Dawson…did the cookery class and became a chef… Would love to hear from you.. Anyone who went on the school journey to Rimani Italy…
Hi mine is not a memory but wanting to say my birth father was at Blandford Camp he was training to be a physical trainer his name Brian he never knew I existed as he left the camp before he knew my birth mother was pregnant. They met at one of the dances at Blandford - she was a twin - I was born 1961 so he would of left before August 1960. I know he came from London I was adopted so only know what is written on ...see more
As a Londoner, when my new husband was offered a job in Great Yarmouth in 1964, I was excited, although a bit apprehensive about moving to the small village of Hemsby. We bought a brand new house in a new subdivision at Two Meadows. It backed onto the railway line. I think it was later called Meadow Rise. I was 19. My first two children were born there with a midwife, Nurse Chase and Dr Timothy ? I remember St. Mary's ...see more
Our last holiday before my father was posted to Germany, Royal Air Force 2TAF. We stayed at the Strathyre Inn. Proprietor A D Davidson. Is that now the White Stag? I have a photo of my sister and I sitting on the front step., I will send it to your email address for inclusion in your records.
My name is Donna Boyd then Wilson. l went in 1968 then again in 72. I have good memories - so good I would have went back again if I could. l remember the long walks through the woods also walking down the stoney Brae to the stream - we would paddle and we had a packet lunch and all the girls and I had a great time. I enjoyed the classroom we would write home and also get our mail - ...see more
Tracing previous generations living in Worle and Weston. My grandfather and great-grandparents lived in one of these houses at this time. The road has been renamed and renumbered so it is difficult to work out which one. But nice to have a general idea of the location.
Dies anyone remember the convent in priory road noak hill ? I remember seeing the nuns walking down the road in their bkack habits. I used to run away feeling scared
In the early 60s we used to travel to Talacre for a fortnight holiday in a caravan. One year my parents didn't pre-book but we travelled from Liverpool on the off chance we would find a place. I remember my father driving us along the concrete block single track road from Talacre through to Tyn-y-Morfa stopping at various bungalows that we were told may be able to help. We eventually arrived at Mrs ...see more
The Cabin was a significant part of my childhood. We first moved to St Peters, into a rented house opposite the church, then up to a council house in Hugin Avenue. As I attended St Peters primary and then Dane Court, I passed the Cabin nearly every day. The original corrugated tin structure was removed and replaced with a larger brick-built structure some years ago. I have tried, in vain, to find any photos of the original structure. Does anyone have any?
I was brought up from the age of two living in 63 Ashhurst Way and what lovely memories I have got. I was brought up in a large family. A lot of people I can remember are no longer with us and the friends I had Tony Plowman, Reagan Kingston, Ian Edwards, Kenneth Hawksworth, Norman Davies I would love to be in contact with again. I can remember playing Cowboys and Indians in the field at the bottom ...see more
I lived with my family in Windsor Avenue after 2WW. Oak Farm Primary was the school I went to which was just down the road. In 1951/52 the school had a choir, Mr. Roberts was the Head Master. I was in this choir. There was a record made and we were all given a copy. The copy I have unfortunately has got damaged. We immigrated to Australia in 1955, so I am not able to go to the school. I am hopeful that someone can ...see more
Just come across the site I was at Styal about 1950 in Peter Pan house lovely nurses nurse Lyon’s and nurse overend. Can’t understand the stories of abuse
My God father Edgar Summers lived in the ground. floor. .Banqueting Hall. We moved away from the area in 1972ish, I was about 22 at the time. I have quite alot of historical photos of Woollas Hall in my files
June 1940 our primary school The London Oratory was evacuated en masse to Exmouth. I remember arriving at the railway station when we were all put on a coach and went to the Pavilion on the sea front. We then lined up on the stage and local people chose who they would take in to their house. More memories to follow. Maureen Hall (maiden name O Reilly)
My very large family moved into The Chequers in March 1938. It had been a pub many years before and it was very much more suitable for us than our previous three bed roomed council house at Steeple Aston. We were not unknown as we had relatives in the village. I was the youngest and the only one not yet at school or out at work - Mrs Checkley kindly let me start a few weeks before my fifth birthday - my ...see more
Barry Watkinson I remember the Royal. I was born in Tewkesbury Rd. When I was 10/11 we moved to Tottenham Hale. We visited the Royal regularly - there was a young teens on a Saturday afternoon. We had some old friends from Tewko like Duggy Hamilton & family the Hawkins ,the Turners Bob Martin Jimmy Belcher the Hills family John ,Margaret ,Ray, and another girl who sadly died I am still friends with John ...see more
Great memories
We moved here in 1978/9 when I was 4 to 8 - St John’s Crescent, and was heartbroken when my parents split 5 years later and we had to move with my mother back to Knaresborough. Lots of lovely memories. The old schoolhouse where we grew Hyacinths in the outside sheds in winter, the ponies in the field next to the path that led to the modern school building. The huge climbing frame that ...see more
My siblings and I were all born at Weir maternity hospital in Balham, we lived on Mandrake road and we all went to Fircroft primary school opposite our house. I was at Fircroft from 1976-1982. Mr. Chaimings was the headmaster then, Mr Nevil was his deputy head of the Juniors, and Mrs Dale was the head of the infants'. I eventually got my wish to be in the annex classes situated in the boys' playground when I was in ...see more
Hi we moved to Great Kingshill in 1968 from Edmonton in N London. We also lived in Wood Green N. London. I remember my first impression of our new surrounds were not great. I suppose moving from London to a village in the middle of no where, but in time I fell in love with the place. I went to school in Great Missenden at a school called Misbourne County Secondary. It was situated near an estate of ...see more
Tommy was the ventrioquist's dummy and the morning's show was not to be missed when on family holiday from Penarth in early August 1936. I would be eight in the October of that year. As far as I recollect there was no entrance fee, I just sat on the sand along with a crowd of kids. Unfortunately I do not recall any of the repartee but there was plenty of fun. I have a vague recollection that the ...see more
Hi I was born in 20 Barnet street in 1947 to Mary Cowley daughter Madge Flanagan Mary’s husband was Frank they had 3 children Madge Jean and Frank We moved a few doors away to number 26 when I was 4
Hi to children of Dunstaffnage, do you remember the funeral of the Captain of Dunstaffnage and the procession of the horse drawn carriage to the chapel at the castle where he was buried. I have many fond memories as a young boy to share with you as I grew up and the friends I had. Andrew longridge phone 519-403-6724 or 519 485 2816
This is a treasured memory, and a plea for help. I need to trace a recording of a Southern Television documentary called "Marching Orders", a film which preserves the memories and could share them with future generations In 1976 I was a rookie Programme Director with Southern Television based in their tiny studio in Dover. One of my first documentary efforts was a 25-minute film in the ...see more
My second great-grandmother, Isabella Challacombe,emigrated from here with her parents and siblings in 1833.
I went to st Roses convent in Stroud when I was eleven years old . The boarding house was up the lane called merrymeads. It was named st Bedes . I can remember going to the Holy Rosary church which was next to the convent . Every morning we went to mass in the convent chapel . I entered a painting into the Stroud show in 1960 and it was highly commended . One night. When I was in my dormitory I was ...see more
I had a wonderful upbringing ‘up the hill’ from Buttshole pond… 1958 - 1966 I was raised in one of the seven cottages- mine was Lime Cottage. My matron was Mrs. Aunty Betty Harris- who had a daughter, Ann The Deputy Matron was Aunty Mary- a Scott and the sports master Uncle Bob and the Supervisor was Mr. Jeffrey Baker whom with Mrs. Baker had a son, Paul who also attended Sir ...see more
I was brought up in Doggie from the age of 3and1/2 and lived in 12 Oak Terrace with my Aunt and Uncle. I left at age 17 years and have many memories of growing up. Do you remember the hills and holes? we used to roll our hard boiled coloured easter eggs down there and jape them. We used to stay out until the street lights came on and used to play marbles on the tiny patch of grass near out house. I remember going to ...see more
I was in Founders house 1962 - 64. Mr Gentry (Duck Billed Platypus) was housemaster and Twiggy his wife (thin as a lathe she was). I decided to get into bricklaying and ended up with Mr Cliffe as our building teacher (Woofy) was his nickname. It was a toss up between Woodwork with Mr Burton (Beanie) Tall as a beanpole. I became quite good at the bricklaying and as a result was employed by Mr Cliffe assisting ...see more
i was born in late 1949 in sugley street and currently live in the street directly opposite rokeby street with the school in the middle my name i s geoffrey watson although my surname was changed from hudspith when i was fifteen. not a lot of changes over the years building wise i remember some shop names along tyne view merrix,s where you used to buy paraffin from, the lovely old couple that used to ...see more
Does anyone remember my Grandmother Doris Hampton, she had three children, my mother Betty her sister Vanda and their brother John who was killed in Korea I think in 1952. I can't remember my Grandfather Ted who died in 1957 I think after a heart attack outside 23 Hillside where they lived. My mother was born in Bryn Road. We went to visit Nanny every week and I would sometimes stay the weekend with my brother Neil ...see more
One of my very first memories was of a family holiday spent at the HF Cliff House around 1961 - I would have been 4 years old and my brother Stephen maybe 18 months. I remember looking forward to the best bit of the day - our picnic lunch, (and, to this day, a famous HF institution!) on the beach. But oh ... the disappointment I felt when I accidentally ...see more
HI i am trying to find any picture of Charles Hunt, his brothers were George and David, sister Ada and Maude, i have a photograph of my grandfather C George Hunt in his WW1 uniform, a paper clipping of David Hunt, WW1 (killed in action) and i would love to find a picture of Charles, I know they lived in Peel Street Birkenhead, later Ellesmere port? and i was told Charles Hunt was also in the ...see more
Hi. I’ve found a photo of Middleton Camp taken in 1948 showing staff and pupils. Would like to display. Is there any way for me to do this on your site? Jill Hi Jill, unfortunately we do not have the capability at the moment for our customers to upload photos, however we do hope to enable this at some point in the future. Regards Ed.
This brings back vivid memories of growing up as the doctor's son. Our house not quite in this shot was on the left just here. The wing of the car could have been my father's an Austin Devon. As a five year old I would cycle like mad all round The Buttlands on my trike and when I had a two wheeler, across the diagonal paths and skid to a halt on the corners. Like many of my friends my growing up years ...see more
So happy to have found this. This was my grans home. My great grandmother owned this shop. We have just come back from a visit to see my grans oldest friend who still lives in Georgeham and used to work from my great grandmother in this shop. Amazing I will need to order this.
Straight from school at 17 and a half, I started training at Treloars in 1948. The Managers had managed the transfer to the NHS very efficiently! As Lord Burnham was Chairman of the Board [and also of the Daily Telegraph! ] we we well provided for. I remember that we had a free taxi from the railway station if returning from a day off after dark! The picture shows the Nurses Home. We were under strict discipline, and ...see more
This shows St. Comgall's before the addition of the spire; the church dominates the intersection of Hamilton Road and Castle Street, sitting in a roughly triangular plot encompassed by the aforesaid and Ruby Street. Long gone is the horse trough which stood at the apex of the triangle; was it saved?
As in the title this mooring place beside Seacliff Road is known as the Long Hole, two separate words. Many thanks for this correction - the archive has been updated, Regards, Editor.
The name of this church is incorrect; although known as Bangor Abbey it is a Protestant church which stands on the site of the Catholic abbey long since gone . The view is from Church Street, looking across the Newtownards Road. Thank you for letting us know - the archive has been updated with the correction. Regards, Editor.
I loved walking day, it was always hot and the tar melted on the roads as we were morris dancing. It's so different now, no one dresses up in their Sunday best anymore when walking
We moved to a listed property on Manor Road a couple of years ago and would love to know more about the history of the area and road. Any memories, maps or photos would be hugely welcome!
I recently moved to Hackbridge SM6 (having previously lived in Sutton/Cheam). I was told that the row of cottages called Centurion, between Park Road and Wandle Road, used to be an industrial laundry which was later pulled down. Has anybody any memories of that and, first of all, is that info correct ? I even found a very old, rusty piece of machinery buried in my garden. I would be happy to upload a photo. Thank you to anybody who can remember a bit of lost history.
I was born in 1942 in Hathaway Rd at my Nan's. We moved to Milton road. When small I remember the house being damaged by the rocket that fell in the pit. Later playing on the bomb site in Cromwell Road. Went to Quarry Hill school, remember standing in London Road waving at Queen Mum who had visited the flood victims in Tilbury. When I married in 1967 we moved to Stanford le Hope.
John McCue was a Union Rep at Hendon Mill and left c.1910 following a dispute with management. As a result his son, then about two years old, grew up in Kent where the family relocated to work at The Imperial Paper Mills, Gravesend. John was well known in Hendon for his involvement with a local Quadrille dancing group. I'd love to hear any memories of this group.
My Grandfather, Frank Portingale came from Faulkand, we spent many Summer holidays there. I remember having our photos taken in the stocks and gathering mushrooms. My Grandfather's sister Edith lived in Pond row. I have fond memories of Faulkland.
The cottage nestling in the foreground was purchased from the White family in 1986 by my parents. Between the vicarage and smithy it was built in 1780, and from 1782 the curate's school before moving up the hill to the new building (now village hall) in 1839. It has been a home to a post office messenger (Thomas Sancton 1881 census) and also Bella, who ran it as a sweetshop in the '70s. For the last twenty years it has been let as self-catering holiday-let accommodation.
First real memories of Leighton Buzzard was being ‘put down’ for my afternoon nap as a child of about 5, and listening to the Church bells just the over the road. Another memory must be an early one as I remember the Stock market with all the sheep etc in the yard behind the High Street Pub, and the High Street itself full to bursting with market stalls and people. Another memory is of my Tricycle, riding it ...see more
Growing up I had a good friend and neighbour, who I knew as 'Miss Porter'. She inherited her house from her Uncle who (according to her comments to a young boy) used to be a footman to Queen Victoria and was the first owner of the newly built semi-detached cottage in Edinburgh near the Musselburgh border. The three semi-detached cottages built on the edge of the former Newhailes Estate all had house names ...see more
I don’t have a personal memory of Spaunton Lodge. But my great great grandfather John Saint was a farmer there until his death in October 1839. I have seen photos of the lodge. As far as I am aware there was some controversy over the lodge sale. And family recollections may have altered over time. Unfortunately there is no one left to ask. This submission may not have any interest to other parties, but it remains of interest to we brothers. As part of our heritage.
I was born in Little Waltham and lived there until 1967. I only left because I got married and the cost of housing in the village, even then, was way out of our reach, so we had to move 20 miles north to Sible Hedingham. I had a very happy childhood in Little Waltham, spending a great deal of time in, on, and around the River Chelmer. A favourite spot was what we called The Water tower that stood in a deep ...see more
I was born in 1943 in Mancot and lived in Shotton. After the eleven plus I arrived at Hawarden Grammar school. The first two years were easy enough but in Form3, I noticed all the boys studied Science and all the girls had to take Arts subjects. No. not for me! I wanted to study science as I imagined my future career in Medicine. I gathered six similar like-minded girls, and we insisted on studying ...see more
During the doodlebug attacks on Dover, my mum was an air raid warden. She had a friend with her and they saw the doodlebug engine cut out and dive to earth. It landed near Pauls Place but did not explode. We went to watch it and cordon the area off. The Royal Engineers came and made it safe. My mum asked the engineers if she could do anything to help - one of the men, a sergeant, said "make us a cup of tea", ...see more
I hope that anyone left of my family can read this, as now being 72 , I lost all track of coming to Kent. My home town was Lytham St Annes where my mother lived and dad was in the RAF and met my mother there. My Grand father was Alf Manuel of 1 Becket Street Faversham - not forgetting my Grandma of course. I always loved the smell of walking around the town because of the full gas tanks, a ...see more
We moved from London to Chainhurst in 1961 into a small cottage two doors away from the Royal Oak Public House. I remember they let us use an upstairs room once a week so we could play records and I suppose keep us off the street. I hated it here, as I had left all my friends in London and the only 2 girls here were ages 21 and 15 and I was 14. It had 2 roads - Hunton Road and Dairy Lane. I remember ...see more
The girl in the foreground could easily be me with one of my brothers in his pram. It was usual to be left outside the shop to look after one or all of my brothers - and of course very safe to do so - when my mum went inside to shop. I have distinct memories of being bought brandy snaps from the old retail market when the entrance was to the right of the Swan pub (before it moved next to the Boar's Head, ...see more
I was born in 1953 at 71 Princes Road, in 1955 we moved to 10 Church Road where I lived until 1969 when I left home. I went to Princes Road Boys school where Mr Carr was the Head and some of the teachers were Miss Gardiner, Mrs Waterland, Miss Sharp and Mr Rose who was a member of the magic circle. My first job was at Beldom Brothers in Queens Road where I worked until they fired me two weeks before ...see more
I can remember being here in about 1969. As soon as I seen the photo I remembered being there many times as a baby. Can anyone tell me what the building by the pool was used for? Thanks.
Hi does anyone remember me my name is Lewis Poole. I stayed at Northaw place in 1966 /67 my memory is vague about the place. It seemed huge at the time. I remember the swimming Pool and the rope swing in the woods. Sleeping in dormitories 6 or 7 to a room a
When I was a young boy, my parents were connected to a David Walsh, who kindly drew a picture of me riding on a tractor (I loved tractors) heading out into the yonder. Does anyone recall David and if so, has any history/contact info for him?
I lived at No.9 Pickwood Scar with my parents from 1944 and 1953. I have many fond memories of my childhood there. I still remember the majority of the residents and in many cases the houses they lived in. If there is any interest, I am happy to share those memories
We moved in to Apple Orchard Lane in 1963. There were only 4 houses in the road and after quite a short time it was decreed that we should become part of The Apple Orchard and so we were numbered on and became 15. I wanted to stay with my young children but we were short of money so I needed to earn some, so I turned to child minding. At first I looked after one or two children but this slowly grew ...see more
Thé Brigg! Thé fishermen’s slipway - cobble landing. The beach and our dogs Pip and Tina whom I will always love and never ever forget! Thank you Filey for my childhood and all the wonderful memories!! I’m now 71 by the way. Grég
Thé café chips were amazing - so was the smell! I used to pack spuds in plastic bags to sell to the campers in the shop. Tony and I used to do the milk round for the campers! I spent all my early summer holidays at the valley! Christmases were amazing !! The shop had an extension built on the RHD with a soda fountain and juke box - We had the key to the juke box and played all the records for free on a Saturday morning while we ...see more
While sorting through some old photographs from the 1950s when I was in England and Europe with two girlfriends from Western Australia, some of the Southlands school were among them. So we did an internet search, and found the reminiscences on this website. This inspired me to write to tell you about the happy times I had as a relief physical education teacher at the school in the ...see more
Hi there ,I was born in Perivale hospital in July 1960. No longer there? I also remember flying a kite with my grandparents which was so much fun. I wonder if there is anyone out there who knew or knows a family who lived in perimede Road?surname BURNHAM?. Jeffrey burnham? Around the late 50s early 60s or a bit later? Great if anyone did and would like to share memories.
I went to fornethy residential school twice in my childhood, each time my mum was having a child. 1960 and 1962. I spent 6 weeks each time. I have read thru most of the comments here, and I’m so glad for me I didn’t experience anything like this whilst at the school. It was strict, regarding mealtimes, the food had to be eaten and no talking, but it was like that in my own home so that ...see more
A cobbler, Mr Ruff, had a shop there, trading under the motto Ruff’s Stuff’s Tough!
Now, this is a long shot, but does anybody remember going from Gorse Park Primary School in 1956 or 1957 to do a P.E. demonstration in London? We went by train with MR. FLOOK and stayed one or two nights in a hotel - very exciting for the times! And went on a sightseeing trip around London. My granddaughter Eva has just joined a gymnastics group at school and the memory of our P.E. ...see more
I just browsed a few relatively recent pics of Ripley's Market in Lowfield St. So sad to see it derelict like that when all I have is happy memories. I knew the Ripley family well, they lived in Horns Cross and I went to school with Peter right from primary. The family were in the fruit and veg trade for generations and the little arcade type market was always buzzing. The last time I saw it was about 1999 when I ...see more
Grew up in Oakhanger and enjoyed the freedom of exploring the common in the centre of the village. Some good times were had sledging down a hill on the common in the snow. Also, finding and catching tadpoles in the pond opposite Rookery Farm. Maypole dancing on the village green at the annual May Fair under the guidance of Mrs Warren and riding in a trailer on straw bales through the village with the ...see more