West Runton, The Village Inn c.1965
Photo ref: W70128
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A Selection of Memories from West Runton

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from West Runton

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I lived in this house in the late 50s early 60s as my grandfather Harry Worman owned it. It was brilliant and as a youngster I thought that the forest belonged to me. I had a pony, a dog, a rope, a penknife and bicycle. What more could any kid want.
My first love was Susan Sainty who, at this time, lived in London Road, Kings Lynn with sister Alison, and mum and dad. Her gran lived in Cley and the family probably had the chalet bungalow in West Runton at the time. We met at Kings Lynn tech in about 1963 /1964 and I was heartbroken when we parted in about 1965. I married in 1968 to Angela Pattison and we have two children and currently 4 grandchildren and we are ...see more
My name was Donna Bishop when I lived with my parents, Sgt Frank Bishop and Jeanette. We were stationed  at Sulthorpe air force base, but we rented a house from Mr. and Mrs. Sainty. Our house was supposed to be haunted. I remember Susan and Alison Sainty, they were our next door neighbors and friends. My sister Brenda and I attended a school nearby and we took the bus.  My 1st class teacher ...see more