Nostalgic memories of Cwm's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 9 Memories

My grandmother Nella Owen Nee Roberts was born in 1914. She grew up with her grandparents in Penmachno and went to school there. I am really looking out for any old school photos of around that time. She had an elder sister called Annie and a brother called Richard (who died from the flu at 13 years old) Her mother Barbara Roberts is buried in Penmachno and I am trying to trace her lineage. I am also going to ...see more
I remember when I was a child my parents would bring us to Cwm to visit my mothers birth place. She is Rhian Lewis, born in 1948, sister Ann and brother Bryn. I spent many an hour climbing the slate covered mountains. We used to visit a couple named John and Mary, I didn't and still don't know if they were ever married or brother and sister - they were quite elderly. Back then it was the 1970's. My mother's ...see more
I remeber vividly my first love, her name was Lorina Taylor and she was an evacuee from London staying with her aunt in the house next to the headmaster's house next to the Co-op. She was older than me and we spent many pleasant hours together and I learned a lot from her about love. How I wish I could go back to those days although I am happily married with two daughters and 7 grandchildren.
I was also born in Cwm in 1950. We lived there untill the early sixties with my sisters Rhian and Ann. I have just found this web site, and my first impression is how far the children of Cwm have spread over the world. I see people from Thailand, Australia, I myself live in Suriname in South America. I remember all the people from Llechwedd Hafod I.e Richard, the late Edward, I was so sorry to miss ...see more
I was born in Cwm in 1936, I went to the local school and I was taught by Miss Jones and Miss Parry and I went to Llanrwst Gramar School before moving to St Helens at the age of 13. When I lived in Cwm I was a member of the local siver band and practised every week at Swch. I was so sad to leave the village and , although I live in Thailand now, I visit Cwm every year and I remember the happiest days of my life. If ...see more
I am writing this on behalf of my wife, Brenda Wilcox. She was born in Cwm and so was her brother Chris. Harry Wilcox, her father, was known in football terms as the gentle giant by the locals. Brenda lived in 5 Rhosgoch. When young, her mother used to take the children over past Llyn Penrhiw, past Rhiwbach ruins and on to Blaenau to shop. Quite a distance in those days. People she remembers among others were: ...see more
I was born in Cwm went to school there and have happy memories of playing with Brian Evans, Eric Hughes, William John Roberts, Gareth Hughes and many others. Our cricket pitch was by the slate quarry tips in Swch and the football field was anywhere there was enough room to kick a ball. I went to Llanrwst Grammar School, left at 16 and went to work in the Forestry Commission until I was called up to the army ...see more
1995 was the best year of my life, I was aged 13 and I was totally besotted with a lad in the village called James Power, he was working with a local builder from Penmachno called Jeremy McWilliam. I loved the way he was of being the local stud of the village, I became close to James through his sister Tammy. I would go to the local park and admire him from a distance, his family were lovely people who used to welcome ...see more
I was born in Cwm and I was always known by my middle name of Maelor, My fondest memories are playing with my friends Ken, Idwal, Iola, Anne Evans and Anne Parry to name but a few, We all used to meet after school to play, I also used to fish in the river and caught many trout with both rod and by tickling trout, I was so sad when I had to leave to find work, Sadly it was the end of a way of life because when ...see more