Your Search Results
Places in Isle of Man
We have maps of all the places listed below, but please note only those places high-lighted in Isle of Man have photos. Browse the list alphabetically and click/tap on those that interest you to see its nostaligic and historical content.
- Agneash
- Andreas
- Baldhoon
- Baldrine
- Baldwin
- Ballabeg (near Douglas)
- Ballabeg (near Castletown)
- Ballacannell (near Laxey)
- Ballacarnane Beg
- Ballachrink (near Ramsey)
- Ballagawne (near Castletown)
- Ballajora
- Ballaleigh
- Ballamodha
- Ballaragh
- Ballasalla (near Castletown)
- Ballaterson (near Ramsey)
- Ballaugh
- Ballelby
- Barregarrow
- Bishop's Court
- Braaid (near Douglas)
- Bradda East
- Bradda West
- Bride
- Calf of Man
- Castletown
- Churchtown
- Colby
- Conister
- Cornaa (near Ramsey)
- Corrany
- Cranstal
- Cregneash
- Cronk, The (near Ballaugh)
- Crosby (near Douglas)
- Dalby
- Derbyhaven
- Dhoon (near Laxey)
- Dhoor
- Douglas
- Dreemskerry
- Eairy
- Fistard
- Four Roads
- Foxdale
- Garey (near Ramsey)
- Garwick Glen
- Glen Auldyn (near Ramsey)
- Glenchass
- Glen Helen
- Glen Maye (near Peel)
- Glen Mona
- Glentruan
- Glen Wyllin
- Groudle Glen
- Hillberry
- Jerby East
- Jurby West
- Kella
- Keristal
- Kerroogarroo
- Kirby
- Kirk Braddan
- Kirk Michael
- Knocksharry
- Laxey
- Lhen, The
- Lower Foxdale
- Maughold
- Minorca
- Mooragh, The
- Newtown
- Old Laxey
- Onchan
- Orrisdale (near Ballaugh)
- Patrick
- Peel
- Port Erin
- Port e Vullen