Nostalgic memories of Aveley's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 81 - 89 of 89 in total

I remember when I first moved to Aveley, I was 7 years old. My nan lived in the prefabs and my mother, brother and myself moved in with her until they were demolished when I was eight years old. Then we moved into Hall Avenue, most of my friends lived all around me and we all started Love Lane School together although I was a year older than the other kids in my class. We used to go to the youth club to see the ...see more
I was born in our house in Central Avenue in 1954. I went to Aveley Infants and Junior Schools and Aveley Secondary School in Love Lane. Many a time my sister Maggie and I have struggled home with bags of shopping we carried from the village stores. Everyone knew you and your parents. The Harmans!! It was a different world then, much nicer although we didn't realise it at that time. We loved it when the fair came to ...see more
My dad did boxing for the school and was Essex school boy champion around 1955 -1956.  If anybody knows where the shields or boxing memorabilia are please could you get in touch with me on
I lived in Aveley Villiage from when I was born in 1957 until we moved to the Kennington Estate about 1971.   We had a funny house in Church View which seemed to be back to front compared to some of my friends houses.   Our end of Church View was a Cul de Sac with a circular turning area in the road where it ended.   Hours were spent by the children in our road playing in the street, skipping, hopscotch, rounders or ...see more
My friend Dionne Page lived here, Number 10 if I remember right, well the house on the corner......had just left school, Aveley Comp, as it was then called.  Dionne's dad use to call us "THE BLACK FOOT TRIBE".  That summer we used to hang out at Johnny Cobbs stables, the best summer ever.  Many memories. Dee where are you now.  Would love to hear from you.
This School was in Love Lane but has now been pulled down and houses have been built on the site, this has only been done in the last 4 years or so. My brother Andy Brown went to this school before going up to the bigger one, the school then became part of the Thurrock Tec in the 1980's.
My mother and father worked for Mr Read between 1966 and 1987, most of the time around the Hall Road shop but later in the mid to late 1980's also up in the High Street shop, which has been pulled down and a new shop built. Mr Read died in the late 1990's and since then the shops have been sold - the High Street is not the same now.
This is where I lived between 1966-1984,above the Read Brothers newsagent in Hall Road,there is only two shops there now,one is still the newsagent and the other is closed at the moment,the rest of the six shops are now flats for the disabled.
This is where I now live,backing onto the Rec,all the toys for the childen have now gone but new ones been put up over by the old tenns courts which is now an carpark. I have lived at Hall Avenue since 1989