Nostalgic memories of Bordon's local history

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 26 in total

I lived at the address which was the house on the corner of hogmoor Road and Station Road. The house was wood not tin as stated and was painted cream. Corrals coal were the owners and a coal yard was at the rear of the house,. . adjacent on hogmoor Road were sheds which were used for the garage of the 2 lorries of corrals. In the corner of the house was a cafe referred to as dirty mags. In about 1948 a tank of the 3dg,s ...see more
On this corner, where there’s now a pair of detached bungalows built, there used to be in the 1960s/70s a purple/red tin building which was called The Penny Cafe. Further down Hogmoor Road was a coach firm run by Mr Brown. He operated the school buses around the villages to take children to Mill Chase, Bordon Junior School in Budds Lane and Bordon Infants School in ...see more
Teachers in the 1970s Mr Pearson - an elderly man whose dentures moved around in his mouth when he spoke. He was great fun and shared his family cinefilms with us during the lessons. It was great fun when he played them backwards. Miss Davies(later Mrs Paskell). I think she married a soldier as she moved away to Shipton Bellinger. She had 1960s/70s hairstyle - blonde hair with back combing and ...see more
Teachers. - Mrs Boyle, Mrs Clover, Mrs Parrott. Head teacher - Mrs Bingham - she had the library books, stamp and cards in her office upstairs. Playground surrounded the building and constructed of tarmac. That’s where we had outside PE and sure hurt when you fell over on it whilst running. The theatre area now, was where we had indoor gym - climbing bars, ropes and balancing beams. It also doubled up as the dinner hall.
I recall visiting a family friend as a little girl , I knew him as Bill Reeves , he lived a solitary life in a beautiful gypsy caravan in the woodland somewhere in the area. He was a fount of knowledge regarding anything in the natural world, smoked a pipe and rode his bicycle as preferred method of transport! Well travelled and possibly a conscientious objector during the ...see more
I was at the original Bordon Council School from 1937 to 1943. You can see the rooves of the old school behind the huts erected after the war when it became Weyford junior school. Mill Chase secondary Modern was later erected on the site of the old playing field across the road to the left of the picture. (Where the 5 air raid shelters were situated)
My grandma lived in Varna Road in a bungalow built by my Grandad Fred, The house was called Exley, they had my dad Edward, Albert,Stanley, Margaret,Gladys and Elsie, My grandmother was called Rose, I stayed with them in 1961 and went to the junior school with my cousins, Many changes have occurred and I still remember Frisbys at the top of the hill, and Liptons, my cousins still live inAlma Road, I go back just to ...see more
My father was stationed in Bordon with the REME and I attended Mill Chase from 1964 to 1966. We lived on Cottesmore Road.Have very fond memories of my school years, especially one teacher, Mr Ledger who was the english teacher.
My husband was in REME and came to Bordon on courses back in 1964/65. We lived on 2 occasions on Pine Trees Caravan Park. Myu son was only 6 weeks old when we moved into a very basic caravan with no running water and a toilet block to share with other families. Not ideal with a young child but I think back fondly on that time. We had lovely neighbours (a coal man and a dustbin man). The second time we have a ...see more
Hi my sister was married to a Barry mace of pine tree caravan site years ago when my father was in the army.