Nostalgic memories of Corby's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 31 - 40 of 82 in total

my family came to corby in 1946 just before i started school.we had friends who lived in tanfields and when i told our next door neighbour she said ooh you are going up scotland .
Who remembers all the great bands that played at the Festival Hall? AC/DC-Vinagar Joe -Camel- Greenslade- Stackridge-Gilbert O'Sullivan- Alan Price and Georgie Flame-Paul Brett supporting Status Quo-Boomtown Rats- who else played there? my memories aren't what they used to be . Jon Paul.
My grandparents lived at 5 Burns drive in the early 70s.I remember walking with my grandad to studfall shops and down to corby swimming baths.My grandad was also m.c at the silver band club in the 60s.They moved to browning walk late 70s and i would spend all my school holidays with them my nanna often taking me round to weland vale shops to the wool shop to get wool to knit my school jumpers.I made lots of freinds there ...see more
I moved to Countsfarm Rd in 1959 and went to Hazel Leys School until 1962. I have great memories of working at Sealed Beams and as an Usherette at The Odeon, which meant I got to see movies for free but could have done without seeing 'My Pal Joey' 20 times! I looked forward to the weekend dancing at The Bin and The Crows Nest. I mostly met my friends at the The Tartan Room and would love to hear from anyone who remembers these places or me so we can talk about old times. Jeanette
How different we can be! I absolutely did not like Sister Veronica at Our Lady's Junior School, she frightened me to death. I remember Sister Anthony and Sr Hilda and they took us to Gerrards Cross where their order had a convent for afternoon tea. I also did not like Mr Moon but thankfully was never taught by him. I passed the 11+ and went to Corby Grammar School for 5 years and then Corby Technical ...see more
I remember warm summer afternoons spent sitting under a large tree while the teacher read to us. I think the headmistress was called Miss Goodchild(?), she had a small dog she used to bring to school, we had to go and read to her periodically, she was quite scary so I used to take a present for the dog to try and please her. My teachers at the junior school were Mrs Pugh, Mr Mee and Miss Taylor - happy days.
Hi there, can anyone out there remember Barbara and Donald McKay who ran the Kingfisher Pub? Think Donald was a footballer before-hand! Could have been the 60's, 70's or 80's. Please get in touch with any info, thanks.
Phew, so long ago. Mrs Ozols the music teacher and Mr Wilson the english teacher. I live in America now, wish they had reunions like in America.
One of my memories was my mum and my best friend's mum shopping and us getting a glass or cup of orange drink with a straw at Towne Center. It seemed huge, a lot of glass windows. I remember it so clearly. Don't have a pic for this one. Guess our first taste of a mall.
I started in the Infant School in 1949, the year my family came to Corby - I was 6 years old. I can remember the huts with the old coke stoves. Each classroom had a partition and there was a stage in the last one where we used to have concerts. I remember being in a play at one of them. The headteacher was Sister Agatha- a tiny little woman whom I adored. I made my first communion there and we had a breakfast after ...see more