Nostalgic memories of Corby's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 41 - 50 of 82 in total

I lived in Corby between the ages of 2 and 4. We lived in the brand new flats opposite the shops. There was a large car park and I have memories of the communal washing lines and going with mum to hang the washing. From the kitchen window mum would lift me up to look at the time on The Clock Tower. I remember crossing the zebra crossing and going into Woolworths to buy a sherbat dab or a little bag of sugared iced ...see more
This photograph shows the now-demolished Pluto pub at Corby, which used to stand on Gainsborough Road. Its name was a reminder of a significant part played by the former Steel Works at Corby in the war effort during the Second World War. PLUTO was an acronym formed from the initial letters of ‘Pipe Line Under The Ocean’, the codename for the production of hundreds of miles of steel tubing at Corby which ...see more
My dad Jimmy was the local 'Baxter the butcher' for many years. I remember going to Samuel LLoyds school and going to see him to get my mince for cookery. We used to live next door to the doctor's surgery in Wensleydale Road and had all the lovely woods to play in when we were young. My grandad, Tommy Hamilton, lived in Rowlett Road so I wasn't very far from them when I went to the Infants, and was still close by when I went to the Junior School ...those were the lovely days of my youth.
First impressions of Corby We moved to Corby, then known as Corby New Town, in 1954, when I was 10. I hated it with a passion having been brought up in the country. Born in Suffolk, where my parents kept a pub in Elmswell, we had moved to the delightful medieval village of Barrowden in Rutland to keep The Exeter Arms, another old coaching inn. Then my dad was a forester in Fineshade Woods, still happiest ...see more
I remember going to The Odeon on Saturday mornings with my cousins. My family lived in Stephenson's Way then before we moved to Chelveston Drive. It was a long walk from what was The Lodge Park Estate and we'd go in a gang and replay the film on our way home across West Glebe. I loved Flash Gordon. In later years I'd go with my boyfriend to see the latest film. I remember going to see Psycho in 1960. It was really ...see more
If you walked around the first corner to the Odeon you got a good view of the old Blast Furnaces that use to turn Corby's night sky orange. It never got dark in the Corby of my childhood. The Candle and all the steel and tube mills lit the night up. The Odeon was Corby's only cinema in the sixties before the Civic Centre was built. I saw my first film there. 'The Wizard of Oz'. That must have been '61 or '62. Later I ...see more
I came to Corby in 1966, we lived in 100a Rockingham Road, the flat above the old fire station which then became Kettering Tyres - my brother Eugene started working there at a very young age, being the tea boy. We where then moved to the old village because we were over crowded in the flat, there was ten of us all together there, but they were the best years of my life. I can still see the steel works all lighted up at night and hear the noise - it was such a shame when it closed down.
I was christened at this church, probably about 1967, I remember a fire a few years later. I have lived in Australia for the past 33 years but enjoyed our bible classes and can't quite remember the vicar's name around this time!
Seems to ring a bell, but I lived in 104 Newark Drive from 1960 till 1976 when I left town and moved to the Channel Islands and then Australia. I have lived here for the past 33 years, the past 22 on the Gold Coast, qld Australia but still have a lot of fond memories from Corby where I grew up. I was a student at Beanfield Comprehensive School and really enjoyed my time there. I am a bit of a book addict and ...see more
I had my wedding reception at the Strathclyde Hotel. It seemed very posh in those days! We had a local Irish band playing (cannot recall the name). I remember the food being very good. It was a freezing day (Feb). Not sure if this still exists in Corby?