Nostalgic memories of Gatley's local history

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 12 in total

Not a memory but a question: does anyone have a photo of Mr Pierce? He was headmaster in the 1950s-1960s. I was his dinner monitor for a couple of years
Ah yes - the Prince of Wales - aka The Mop on account after heavy rain they had to mop it out due to it being in a dip and the brook literally on the back door step flooding. I too went to Gatley Primary School under Mr Pearse 1965-1971. Was in Mrs Phillips' reception class. Hated her - still do.
I have so many clear memories of Gatley Primary. My mother used to take me by car in the morning, but in the afternoon I walked down Cedar Road to wait at the bus stop. There was a wonderful sweet shop there. The headteacher was Mr Pearce. He used to have a funny way of saying "Hewld hands!" when we had to walk in pairs to the canteen. The food was disgusting: I remember telling my mother the custard ...see more
My father owned what is now RowlandsChemist he was Bernard Malaney we left in 1961 many happy memories
Certainly remember the battery factory with its large shutter door that was open in hot weather, on the dirt road cut through from the church to the entrance to the playing fields.
When I put query re `Paint Factory in Gatley, it should have been Battery Factory. When Camel Accumulators were bombed in London 1941, they came to Gatley and had a factory behind St. James church (Gatley Grenn) I kepp getting closed doors when I make enquiries re Battery Factory which also became known as Duralife. It was demolished/ closed circa 1981/82, does anybody recall this factory?
Trying to track down information on a Paint factory that was behind St. James`s church, Gatley Green. Around the time period of 1977-1985 (I believe it was there for quite a few years. Can anyone help with this info please? I lived on Hawthorn Road with my family, the children going to Gatley Primary & Junior Schools.
I am now over 80 but during the years 1938 to 1940 I went to a small preparatory school called Lannor School - which probably no longer exists. I well remember having to take gas masks to school, and having to go through gas mask practice! During the Manchester Blitz, our road was invaded by incendiary bombs. We lived in a road immediately opposite the school but I dont remember the name of the road now! I do ...see more
I went to Gatley Primary these years. Happy memories, completely changed now. I am an aviation buff and saw the first BOAC b747 land at Manchester Airport from my classroom window. My teacher was a Mr Elliott, not sure of his whereabouts now but I shouted "IT'S A JUMBO" out loud - he replied "quiet, I dont care if its a pink elephant."!!!!!!!!
Very fond memories of my childhood in Gatley. I went to Gatley Primary, then to Kingsway. I always remember the fruit and veg shop, Chandleys, facing Gatley Green, I used to pass it on my way to primary school, and on Church Road next to Gatley Green doctors surgery was a lovely cottage where an old man lived who would sit outside. Where Stonepail shops are my dad told me there was a garage there where you could ...see more