Nostalgic memories of Shenfield's local history

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Displaying Memories 11 - 20 of 22 in total

I was about 2-3 when I was in Hutton Residential School and have photos of me in a pushchair with other girls pushing me, that would have been back in 1952-1953, was anyone else there around this time? My name then was Sheryll Stevenson
Hi. I have lots of memories of Cam House throughout the 60's. My name is Desmond Lapham. My Mother Sybil Lapham was a long time domestic in Cam and also worked in most of the other houses as was her friend Connie Bowers who worked in Humber. The housemother at the time I went there with my Mother was Miss Edwards (Miss. Ed) Another domestic working in Cam was Vera Sarbutt and the cook was Kit Smith. some of the children ...see more
My Dad wrote of his time at Hutton Residential School. This is what he wrote: September 1939 - January 1949 I was evacuated in September and on my arrival at Block 2, I nearly had my head knocked off by my cousin, Joey, with a cricket bat. I saw him playing and went haring out to speak to him just as he was hitting out a delivery. During my three and a half years there I learnt a lot and we had some ...see more
i was there in 1966 i think we were a family of six 4 boys and 2 girls our house parents were Mr and Mrs coben i think and they had a son called grant we were in avon i think i was about 6 and my youngest brother was 2 and the eldest of us was 11, they later left and went to Birmingham to run a children's home i think dont know alot but trying to find out more about my time there. my name is christine
I was at Hutton poplars home from 1960-1965, started in Fal house Miss Creffield,was house mother, then 1962 moved into Dart house with the same housemother Miss Creffield until 1964, I spent last year in Thames house. Mr & Mrs Hugh Wylie were the house parents with a baby daughter. Great times! I remember most names of the houses, they were named after rivers, which were, Fal, Dart, Thames, ...see more
I remember being in a large austere Victorian mansion across the field from Serota, that was a modern building. Windermere had a large winding staircase and in the playroom there was a rocking horse. I remember playing in the garden where there was an old car, and when they were smashing down the old buildings we were surrounded by bricks. Anyway, once my mother died in 1969 I was there for a very long ...see more
Roman Road, Mountnessing. My great grandfather, John Waller, lived in one of the cottages just down from the George & Dragon pub. I believe it is now an Indian, and at one time was a restaurant. He died in the 60s aged about 95 and he told my dad at the age of 92 that he was getting old as he could not climb up his apple trees anymore! He had electricity finally put into the cottage in 1965, just so as he could ...see more
I went to school at Doddinghurst Road Secondry School, which in my last year (1969 ish) became Hedley Walter Comprehensive School. A few people in my class came from Hutton Poplars, a children's home, and I think most of the children came from London. One of the girls was named Donna Freeman, who was fantastic at sport.
I and my brothers were there 1957 and 1964. I have many happy memories some good some bad. My first love Valerie Tucker r you still around.
Hi, I was in the Hutton Residential School from 1930 to 1939. Mr Higden was the Headmaster. We had a big dining hall where all the boys had their meals - it was more like a scene from the film, Oliver, [food glorious food]. The Headmaster and his cronies would sit above us on a stage eating roast chicken & roast potatoes while we ate whatever they dished up to us. On Saturday we got a penny ...see more