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Displaying Memories 161 - 240 of 36585 in total

Hi , I am writing this on behalf of my Mum, Patricia Helen Harrison , she was 7 when she attended here ‘46 to ‘49, and thinks was there for about 3 years. She recalls the Monastery over the road and she thinks there was a Sister Theresa. We would love to hear from anyone that has any information for this era or if anyone recalls my mum. Just trying to piece together her early years. Stay Safe, Dave
I was born in Aust Farm in 1952 as it was my mother's home. It was on the road to Black Rock and my grandfather farmed the fields up to the river. I think the farm's name has changed now. My mum was Winifred Watkins and married my dad Ernest Jones in St Mary's in 1951 and I am their eldest, Kathleen. I remember watching steam trains, walking up to the river and playing at the water's edge- really surprising considering my ...see more
I have been reading many articles printed here & it got me & my wife thinking back to our childhood days (my wife was born in Llanelli, South Wales , & her childhood memories of the 1950's & were very much akin to mine albeit mine was in London). We having been discussing, recently, about the state this country is in, moreover, the world, & we came to the conclusion that those days were the best. ...see more
My memory is ! I was 12yrs old with an eating disorder ! I got sent there and I couldn't understand why I was , not a nice place
Hi my name is Maria I went to John Mansfield School Lived Dogsthorpe road. Love to hear from you if you were there? :)
A very happy time when we lived there. 22 houses on this land now. We had the woods down the hill with bluebells, white bells, snowdrops and Hazel nut trees.
Establishing manufacturing facility for new answering machine in ex army hut on site1962/63. Jack Staniforth now living in Australia.
I recall a happy childhood living above my Grandfather’s and father’s hardware store LEACH’S at number 22 Also, going to Dulwich Hamlet infant and junior schools along with singing in the choir at St Paul’s Herne Hill
I'm trying to remember the teachers at Fulbrook School. I started there in the mid fifties . My name then was Amanda Lawrence; house captain for Windsor, when in the senior class. From what I remember, the teachers were History - Mr. Evans Geography- Mr. Elvidge R.I.- Mr. Sellers Art-Mr.Payne Metal Work- Mr. Collins Headteacher- Mr. Bean Mathematics -Mr. Drawneek Music- Mrs. Magrath (nee King} English- Miss ...see more
The site of this 1960 print is Bridgemans Farm, Latchingdon, near Maldon, Essex. The tractor is being driven by Stuart Baker on the fields of this farm. He was in charge of the farm along with two of his five brothers following the death of Albert Baker, their father. The two boys are nephews of Stuart Baker and sons of Ronald Baker. The younger boy is Philip Baker age 5 and the older boy is Colin Baker age 10.
am 100% sure of details of this print. The place is Bridgemans Farm, Latchingdon, near Maldon, Essex, and the Year is 1960 (exactly). The tractor is being driven by Stuart Baker on the fields of the farm. He was co-owner of the farm with his brother, Wilfred Baker. The two boys are nephews of Stuart Baker enjoying a one week holiday on the farm. The younger boy is Philip Baker age 5 and the older boy ...see more
I began school in the hut above the playing fields ( later becoming the scout/guide hut and play group). Miss Howlet was our teacher, we sang and heard bible stories and use little coloured sticks for our sums. Playing with brown plasticine or toys from the cupboard in the afternoon. When it was cold our little bottles of milk were placed on the heater to warm. A year later we moved to the new ...see more
Hi , I'm back Stephen Buck of Guide street in Weaste . Born 1957 , attended St Luke's on the corner of Mode wheel road . Any old friends and neighbours on here I also created a group on Facebook called "we lived in Weaste" in the hope of finding old friends .
I too worked here as a school girl in the holidays. I remember Heidi and Suzi well ( have a photo of them) Also a very nice Dutch girl, and an Australian called Margaret. Rowena, who worked in the kitchen with one of the sisters. Margaret and Muriel I remember too. ( they were the real staff) I worked a few summers and Christmas. The manageress was a bit daunting. The first one was local, the second English. Met so many ...see more
I was born in 1961 in Thorpe Combe hospital in Walthamstow and brought up by my parents in Forest Edge Buckhurst Hill. I consider myself very privileged to have lived there for the first 26 years of my life and have many fond memories of the town that few have heard of, and the people I knew there. My parents lived next door to my mothers parents - my grandparents- until I was around 7 and my ...see more
I am not sure if this kind of opportunity attracts those who feel anger at a perceived or real unfairness, during their childhood years, and/or those who have a tendency to dwell on the negative but I'd really like to hear a broader range of experiences from amongst the many thousands who attended J Ston and Ston over the years. Together with my twin I was there from 1958 to 1967, we hadn't ...see more
I lived in Oxton from the late 50s to the early 80s, and have many fond memories. Does any body remember Fred the barber in Rose Mount. He was quite a character, and nobody went there unless they wanted a short back and sides, followed with a sizeable dollop of Brylcreme……therefore I can only remember going there once! I seem to remember he charged a shilling. I also remember Fred the milkman who seemed to ...see more
I'd like to reply to Shirley who recalled all those wonderful times around George Road and Dale Road Selly Oak in the 50s. I lived at 72 North Road. The Carpenters family you mentioned were my relatives. I went to Tiverton Road school. You bought back such good memories for me. I remember everything that you recalled yourself. Remember Winters the Tailors. Thongers the chemists, Sweenys the TV Shop. I watch the Villa best MAN U in the 57 final on my dads shoulders.
There does not seem anything earlier than 1970s for West Asthton Street in Salford?I was living @ number 53 as a baby & can remember a bomb blowing out the cellar windows when they bombed Salford docks.My gran lived there & looked after me.For some reason mother took me to live in Hodge Lane & can remember sleeping under the table,it was while there was a Party going on In the room Well there was a War on.
I moved to Borehamwood in June 1963 age 5. I lived at 115 Furzehill Road it was a children's home and we were all treated very well. ( Thank you ) Went to Monkesmead, Summerswood and Holmeshill I have very fond memories of Borehamwood.
My name was Sheila Moore and I lived in Nelson Road, Crouch End, Hornsey. I went to Rokesley Infants and Junior School until 1958. My best friends were Linda Firkins and Jant Miller but the kiss was from a boy called Gordon Thickbroom. I often wonder if he changed his name
My memories of Collingwood began with my very first day there, in 1948, when I was l was left alone in a big empty hall, not knowing what to do! Eventually one of the teachers came in, saying crossly, " Why are you crying?" and not listening to the answer! I believe I ended up having a good education (maybe being scared all the time helped !) and my favourite memory of the school was in June 1952, ...see more
Hello, would anyone, perhaps a family member who lived in Sutton -um -Lound in the late forties, remember a family called Dawtry, who were my Grandmother and Grand father.My grans name was Beatrice, and Grandfather Edgar, Thank you.
We came to a deserted Moresdale Hall in the 1980s and spent several years refurbishing it. Because it had 2 front doors and 2 staircases we were able to divide it and share it with my brother's family. It had had a chequered career, having been a boys' prep school, a mink farm and an unfinished hotel after its original owners had sold it earlier in the 20th century. Originally a Queen ...see more
My name is Rosalind....I was sixteen when I started work at the Ultra Tv factory in Gosport Rd, Fareham. Well many years have past by, my memory is a bit vague of remembering peoples names who I worked with at Ultra, but I did have a best friend called Margaret Brown, we both worked on the television ensemble line, and as the parts came down the conveying belt we would take them off ...see more
What was the name of the Grocers shop next to Blamey’s the Florist in the Market Place? I think it was something like Bentley’s, and was run by a lady called Doreen.
My friends and I used to cycle. To Wembley stadium from Wembley House. School to play netball !!!!
Does anyone remember the Kon Tiki coffee bar, opposite the Odean cinema in Chadwell Heath? The coffee bar had an Hawaiian theme, I used to walk from Marks Gate just for cup of coffee.... There was another coffee bar in Chadwell Heath opposite the Library, it had a bit of a reputation but I used to go in there on a Friday night after a few drinks and Steak and Chips in the Chinese restaurant, opposite Japan ...see more
In 1969 my friend Nick Martin, who lived in Hawkhurst, and I, hitch-hiked across to the Taj Mahal in India. Sadly I have lost touch with Nick and I wonder whether any of your contributors may be able to help us get back in contact again. John Hague
You mention two boys from long ago who were my friends. I wonder if they are still alive. Ridley became head boy at Ravenscroft, if my memory serves me right, and I believe Hoddinott lived on a farm half way between Beckington and Trowbridge. My best friend was Ian Anderson, who lived near us in Trowbridge, and who even at that very young age was fascinated by Norton ...see more
I was there on the opening night. Iam ashamed to say that I used to go there most nights, at the expense of my studies. It was a great meeting point and with very little trouble. How things ha e changed. Then your friends and aquaintances were real. Not somebody you call a friend online Hey Ho Peter Glendining
Great school I was there from 1965 to 1969. We went into Lymington every Saturday to spend our pocket money. There was a toy shop at the bottom of the High Street. I think it was painted yellow at the front. Spent lots of my pocket money in there. A lovely town, I have revisited many times since. Best wishes to everyone.
I'm trying to trace a place where my great, great grandfather and his parents. On his birth certificate it states that he was born in White's Buildings, St James, Shaftesbury. I'm struggling to find where this building was, if anyone can help I would really appreciate it
On Sunday last I was informed by a dear friend, that the Black Horse / Lavender Goose is no more. Sold apparently for development project. How sad that a building with such history is now nothing more than rubble. Another important building gone to be replaced by what? I'd be so interested to learn what happens next..... Sue Hibbert
It used to be in a nunnery in Birkenhead just off manor hill nr entrance to the park was called Nazareth house ? I went to Hamilton middle school in the juniors ? I was 8/9 at the time ?? A few kids I got to know we're Wade Taylor. mark white. Alan Wright. Karen ledgem. Kim Smith names mark n for some reason was given the nickname faggsy 🫣 these kids are now around 61/62yrs of age ... Does anyone remember any of these or the school
I spent spent six weeks there with Scarlet fever. Dinner always seemed to be greens, potatoes and mince , which I still love . The footsteps of the nurses along the wooden outside corridors meant those big injections were on the way. I was six years old at the time .. this would have been in 1957. I shared a ward with a girl from Kings Lynn, we were about the same age, her jokes and laughter as well as the amazing stories she used to regale me with kept me going.
I was there from 1951-1959. Some of the happiest days of my life. A day started with assembly with prayers said and some hymns sung. An awful cacophony of weedy and breaking voices. Various announcements were made including sporting achievements of the previous week. all the teachers and the Head were on a raised platform wearing their gowns. Some teachers wore their gowns in class. I ...see more
My best friend Glenda Prior lived in the Gloster Arms with her mum and dad, this would have been in the 1970s. I have so many happy memories of our time together, practicing the "Greaser " dance in the snug ! So sad to hear that it has closed .Memories live on when the building is closed.
Looking for my cousin who used to live in Malden, her name was Frances Fairclough. Her parents George and Maude, (my mother's brother). Last in contact in 1964. My name then was Janet Walsingham, she came with her husband to visit where I lived in Bognor Regis, with my father ( Fraces a uncle William) my sister June and brother a John. Any info would be appreciated. Thank you.
During the1950's, long before the introduction of Green Shield and other reward stamps, members of the Co-operative Society in the days before the Co-op as we know it today, earned tin coin cash money to the value of each purchase made. This could then be exchanged for real money at a later date. During this time the Society was a pillar of good for its members, with many extra benefits, ...see more
I’m researching the New Moon Café, The Street, Cobham. It was opposite The Little White Lion. It was owned by Bob and Lottie Bush during the war. My great-great grandmother Katherine Overington and my great-grandmother Ivy Cattermole lived and worked there in 1946 for some years, and apparently Ivy Cattermole took ownership. I’d love to know anything about the café or of my great-grandmother Ivy Cattermole. Many thanks, Sinéad
Hi all had a wonderful childhood living in Swindon Lane 1950-1959 moving to Camborne Ave until my marriage 1969 moving to Hastings then moving to New Zealand 1981. Went to Dycourts then Harrowfields Girls 1961-1966 then Janice Dinnick best friends Susan Smith who left 1965 would love to hear from Sue, and Maggie Lewington (still in contact today). Married my childhood sweetheart Bill (William) SODEAU ...see more
I'm not from East Ham but my Grandad served with the 141st HB which was formed in East Ham in 1915, they billeted in local schools. Any ideas of local names of schools? I think they used Clockhouse and Manor Farms, he used to mention a place called Mansfields on the Romford Rd which was also used by the 141st. Has anyone heard of it and what and where was it? Any info, however small is a massive stride for me. I'm sure there are some budding historians there that could help me
My father came back from war in 1946 I was born in 1948 in Salisbury my father rented a flint cottage in the middle of the woods at Beach’s barn (they were demolished many years ago ) my father was born in Everleigh the family were from Upavon.My memory is of my mother cycling to Netheravon past the airdrome with me in a carrier on the back of her bicycle .
Lived the top of Craigmillar ave in prefab 1954 to about 1965 when demolished. Sadness for a young boy !Everyone looked out for each other and kids played together across wide age groups.played in the bluebell Woods walked to Ponteland .Attended Hilton school .Blakelaw comprehensive lower and upper.Worked at Swan Hunters then went to sea,emigrated to Australia in 1982 as Thatcher destroyed any chance of employment !!.Loved my prefab home,maybe not the icicles on the inside of the windows.
My family used to stay at Elm Cottage on Trewoon Road in Mullion for many of our summer holidays during the 1970's. The cottage belonged to a Mrs Kent, known to us affectionately as Aunty Ellie, who at that time lived in Caerleon in Wales with her Son and daughter in law Ted and Jean. We spent our summers at old Elm Cottage in the days before it was modernised. It had for example all it's original windows, fireplaces (but no ...see more
I was around six when we moved from Bliss Gate to Menith Wood and left Menith Wood when I just turned fourteen. For the eight years to me Menith Wood was the best place in the world just a peaceful hidden clean beautiful village where all the village children played together and parents all knew each other, it was so safe that no one needed to lock doors and it was never any surprise for visitors to just ...see more
It was the early 1960's and I was a curious teenager beginning a voyage of discovery into the exciting world of pop music, rock and roll, coffee bars and clubs. In fact the first teen club I ever attended was the Thursday Club held in a hall on The Green, Falconwood Parade. It was where I saw my very first live band, the exciting Jason Black and the Avengers, who had something of a cult ...see more
I have lived all my 60+ years in Burghfield Common and I have seen it totally transformed. I was born and brought up in Three Firs Way, and lived here until 1987 when I got married and moved to Hunters Hill. Growing up in Three Firs will always be special to me. I still have a photo that was taken from my parents bedroom of the street and my dads lorry. Even being early evening it was the only ...see more
I lived at the address which was the house on the corner of hogmoor Road and Station Road. The house was wood not tin as stated and was painted cream. Corrals coal were the owners and a coal yard was at the rear of the house,. . adjacent on hogmoor Road were sheds which were used for the garage of the 2 lorries of corrals. In the corner of the house was a cafe referred to as dirty mags. In about 1948 a tank of the 3dg,s ...see more
I have no memory of Coaley, however my family name Deighton crops up with John Edward Deighton. Just wondering if Deighton is a common name in the Coaley area. John Edward died in the early 1950s.He had several sons and a daughter, including My father Albert. How they got to Leeds and why is one of those family mysteries.
Brandon High School, Motherwell, Scotland. Reminiscences by Graham Kinnear May 2023. Living in Australia since 1980. I was so fascinated by fun and games and adventures, that primary school in Wishaw was just a daily distraction. When the 11 plus exams came along, I failed. Thank goodness that those overseeing education thought it a good thing to trial new ways ...see more
Share many of the same memories of the swimming pool and the jungle gym. Also remember what looked at the time like an enormous boarding the kindergarten with the alphabet on it and matching pictures. Remember every morning having to recite phonetically “a for apple and so on”. The cellar where the older children kept their coats was always known as the donjon, which made it seem very scary to us younger ...see more
I lived in Brandon Road in the house next door to the Majestic Cinema from about 1940 to 1946. The house in those days was called Dent Dale which was written on the glass panel above the door. I used to go to the school across the road, it has now become the Catholic School. My grandparents lived in West Terrace, no longer there, my Grandfather George Baker was an Overman in Esh Winning Pit. My Uncle Jack ...see more
I remember Selsdon well as my family lived at 68 Edgecoombe, the long road on the opposite side of the wood at Selsdon not to be confused with Selsdon Woods. We had two ways to get to Selsdon shops. Through the woods opposite our house and exiting at Ingham road the very steep descent into the bottom part of the road up into town. There was a house at the top of the road on the right that had a fine apple tree ...see more
It is interesting to hear from some one who lived so close to me when I was little. We lived up from the high mill in hope cottage. My father Robert Stroud worked at the really awful mill most of his life for almost nothing. Mr Stear and Mr Crack treated the men as slaves. I will never forget the smell of the tannery. How about you. Janet Cecilia Gulick (Stroud). I emigrated to the states when I was 21. Could not bare to see so much poverty in England.
I lived at 14 oak street Chapel of Ease. I can remember the two estates being built and the bridge in the photo is also the way I went to school at the west end primary school. The red phone box is still there I believe, in the photo the high meadow estate is where my butty lionel Haywood lived with his brother David who was a welsh international rugby player. Sometimes we couldn't get to school as the river used to flood ...see more
I would love to find someone to talk to about my youth when I lived in Gateshead 127 Morrison st I went to rose st school from 1940/1945 got my first job at huewoods teams valley trading estate till 1950 if I get a reply from anyone I would be over the moon .I hav e so much to talk about but I need a reply.Albert
My name is Victoria Garcia. At 15 years old, I arrived at the school in the middle of winter. Coming from an all summer weather year round, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, it was a shock how cold it was. I was greeted by sister Jerome and two girls and friends, boarders as well. Jacqueline Lemaitre and Beatrice Velez. Vally Escallón previous student, came all the way from London for a day visit. Then the ...see more
My parents lived in Andrews close no. 4 from 1959 until 2013. Peter and Brenda cook had many friends in the area. I was born 1962 and lived at home until 1982. I went to St. Joseph's primary then St. Philomenas followed by St Bernadettes in midfield way from 1973 to 1978. Many Happy years in the area. Many friends including Martin lockhart, Denise Lockart, Wendy and Gaye and mandy and Tony cascarino. The bull ...see more
I am a Ugandan, trained at Walton Hospital School of Nursing from Nov.1966 to 1969. I enjoyed loved training and working at Walton hospital. The nurses hostel was very good - we had a pantry /kichen on the ground floor which was always full of loaves of fresh bread & milk & cookers if you didn't want to go the dining room which was in the hospital. I loved working on male wards than female wards ...see more
Worked as a Saturday girl in 1970s and then in summer holidays as a Student. So sad to see that famous building with the naked man Statue so part of our heritage now derelict and deserted. Lived near Victoria Park Waterloo bordering on Crosby and Merchant Taylor's Boys school . Went to Seafield Grammar School so nostalgic to see the postcards. Would love to see some old photos of a bustling Lewis Store ,Blacklers and old George Henry Lees store (John Lewis branch)
I was a "Calder girl" from 1951 or 52 to 1959. I didn't like it much at the time, but now of course, I have many, many memories. I know so many of the hymns in the English hymn book because we had to learn them for punishments. Not surprisingly I was never made a prefect! I was happiest walking past the golf course to go the farm to ride. I remember the half terms when parents could visit and B&G always had a play to ...see more
Born in Wembley, I arrived in the New Town of Beaconsfield in 1957 aged 5. With my younger sister and my parents. I left home at 17 but returned occasionally until 1981 when my parents moved to Scotland. I lived in Gregories Road at No.52. Enjoying climbing a huge Horse Chestnut to read my books, listen to my little pocket sized transistor radio, and then climbing down to watch steam trains from the ...see more
I attended the Luton technical College during the years 1952/55 and elected to take the "engineering" route not really giving much thought as to where I might eventually apply my newly acquired skills. To assist with our journey we were encouraged to write to local companies to view their manufacturing facilities in order that we may learn a little of the outside world before venturing into this unknow territory. I scanned ...see more
My brothers and I watched the Queen Elizabeth's Coronation with a neighbour; the screen was so small they added a special magnifying glass. Even in black and white I thought it was wonderful. It was a cold day so felt chilly as being a teenager I wanted to show off my summer dress. In the evening I joined local youngsters by the bonfire on Ashtead Common. One lad lived in one side of a pair of nearby old wooden ...see more
The biggest reason I remember the 1953 Coronation was because it was the first time I had ever seen a television. I was only very young in 1953 but I was privileged to be able to watch Queen Elizabeth's Coronation live on a television. The tv was not my Mum & Dad's tv, they could not afford one in 1953, few people could, but belonged to a "wealthy" Aunt & Uncle who lived close by. My first ...see more
I don't suppose that many of my friends will have watched the last Coronation on TV, partly because it was 70 years ago, but mainly because very few people had a television. My father, Frank, had a Radio and Television business in Glasgow (C.F.Lines, 460 Paisley Road West) and borrowed a TV from the shop ( ECKO I guess as that's what they sold). He had trained in Radio Telephony in the Army and was ...see more
I was five years old in 1953 and the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II was the first vivid memory I have of my childhood. We lived at Midway, Cold Ash Hill, the major road through the village. Dressed as a pirate with silver buckles on my shoes, an eye patch and a wooden cutlass painted silver, with my childhood friend, Keith Stroud, we joined the throng of people making their way up the hill to the recreation ground. ...see more
When I was a teenager back in the late 1950's I loved travelling by trollybus to explore Woolwich. At the time I lived at home in Welling but Woolwich always had much more of interest to offer. There was the endless fascination of the river Thames and the paddleboat ferry that crossed over to Silvertown and the Tate and Lyle factory. There were the markets, the live eel shop, the Tramshed and the Army ...see more
I went to St Benedict school before going to Oldknow Secondry Modern School. Small Heath Birming. I went to school with Christine Truman, Valerie Hunt, Judith Bradley, Ryan Twins and the Mslekabich twins. I would love to get in contact with any of these guys. It has been over 50 years.
I was born in Aston terrace 1954 I have 3 sisters 2 brothers I went to Swallownest junior school I remember Miss Shimeld was scared of her she was so strict, moved when I was 8 to Aston spring wood school a brand new school, loved it here.then when I was 11 went to Aston high school,left at 15 also remember a men’s working club on Worksop Road opposite the old cinema we used to go on yearly coach trips to the ...see more
The pub over the road did a singalong every Saturday night ending in a very long finale of "Hit the Road Jack - Don't you come back no more, no more ,no more, no more", and so on. I don't know about the pub but I doubt if anybody actually misses the buildings. It was a slum.There was the stink from the neighbouring factory too but that was only on an occasional day, not often, but when it was there it was nauseating. ...see more
I would like to get in touch with Joan Judd nee Foreman who used to live in Fircopse Road She had a sister Dillas and her father's name was will. Please get in touch. Barry Webb 02392 612814
I remember sitting on this wall taking car numbers and having an ice cream from the booth situated in the area to the side of the pub. Also the fish and chip shop. The ice-cream booth blew away in a storm and was never seen again. There were steps up to the side area where the gap in the wall is. There were also steps up to the area round the corner in the right where New Lane begins. I was born in Green Hammerton and I still live here.
I was born in 1948 in the house then called 'Melita' a thatched house divided into three, it is the house at the very top of the holloway up on the bank, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas lived one side, Mr. and Mrs. Bezant the other, my parents were Ben and Betty Legg. I am Brian, my brother Sid passed away in Australia a year ago aged 76. As kids we caddied at the golf course for 2/6d for 9 holes (12 and a half pence in todays ...see more
I have a large sepia photo hanging in the hallway of my grandparents and some of their children walking on the banks of the river in 1922. My mother is 8 yrs old. At the time they lived in Tredegar. How can I send a copy of the picture as an attachment?
I lived in 14 west street from birth 1962. to 3 years , My great Aunt Jane Penny (Davies) lived there for years looking after a lady. When she died, the house was left to My aunt Jane. My mum and brother and me, moved just up the road, but cannot remember the house number. But I know the wall of the house we used to live in, is still there with a path running up the side of it. My fond memories was the carnivals ...see more
I remember playing golf in St Chads park, it had a 18 hole, well kept course. There was a paddling pool, were I sometimes sailed my model boat. I also remember the Council run playleader scheme, were you could borrow sports equipment, stilts etc. All you had to do was sign your name and bring the equipment back when you'd finished with it. All this was in the late 50s/early 60s. I lived on Marks Gate and ...see more
I lived at 49 Kings Road South Harrow from the age four, my parents name was Lambourne. I attended Roxeth Manor School with my elder sister and younger brother, spent 20 years in Kings Road when in 1968 got married. My father was a Milkman in Northlot, at the weekend and school holiday l helped him and really enjoyed from when we had horse drawn cart then battery. My Mum worked at the local variety at ...see more