Nostalgic memories of Battersea's local history

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Displaying Memories 31 - 40 of 156 in total

Maude Humphreys was my Mum's sister, therefor my Aunt. I visited her shop many times over the years.
The shop refered to as that of Ivy and Bill Humphreys in Winstanley Road. Ivy was in fact my Aunt Maud. She was married to Bill Humphreys. The shop was called 'Ivys' because it was inherited from Maud's first husband Mr. Ivy. ( deceased). Maud's daughter is alive and well.
Does anyone remember 159 Battersea Park Road -South..when it was a fishmongers.. my ancestors ran this during the 1950's and would really appreciate any info anyone has .. family name was Wells.
I lived in Dagnall Street , born 1938 I remember the Anderson Air Raid Shelter in our garden Attended Latchmere Infants School and Culvert Road School Loved going to Arding and Hobbs, Battersea Park was a wonderful place, we would visit the Rose Garden, the Boating Lake, feeding the ducks and swans and the Deer 1951 Festival of Britian Fair in Battersea Park Does anyone remember Guildfords the ...see more
A two bedroom flat on the third floor, 46, Durham Buildings, became home to me, my two siblings and parents for about 9 months from 1961 to 1962. The flat had no bathroom but a small outside balcony which housed the toilet that had no window and no electricity for lighting. We'd venture out there day and night, rain, snow or shine with a torch light and my siblings and I always visited that ...see more
Hi, my dad grew up in Surrey Lane, Battersea and my mum in Earlsfield. They were both born in 1950, my dad talks of Bolingbrook school (probably not spelt correctly). Dad is a big Chelsea FC fan and used to ‘jump’ to watch them all the time. Mum and Dad drank at the Rising Sun pub all the time. Dads called Bob (Robert) wilson and my mum is Sue Wilson (previously Constantine) my mum is a twin (Lyn) ...see more
I was born in woodgate street nine Ellms lane Battersea in November 1936, all the people older than me who were around at that time must have passed away. In our house lived my grandparents, my mum and dad, brother jock, sister Georgeana, sister Rosemary, sister Ellen, sister Olive, sister Joyce, and me David. There was a grocery shop next to our house owned by Mrs Brown. The railway goods yard and main line to ...see more
Hi, This isn't a memory as such, more a question. I'm writing up a brief history of my early years and as part of my time was (with some friends) spent going to gymnastics classes at a school in Broomwood Rd. but for the life of me, I can't find out what the school was called back, in the mid to late 50's. It is still there, under a new name and on an old 1950's OS map but sadly no name. Can anyone help. Thanks Ken
My name was cook and we lived in durham building. I remember schooling bakery in plough road next to St Peters church, across the road was len's secondhand shop where my mum used to buy some of our clothes, also there was a sweet shop owned by germans I think which used to make sweets on the premises, as sugar was still on ration they used to give half a pound of sweets for 2 pound of sugar. in lavender road ...see more
I remember Greys Dance School (opposite the Granada Cinema) I was about 6 or 7 I think when I started there in their ballet classes. I know that I had a tough time trying to get the foot positions right but couldn't quite get the hang of it. My mother thought that I wasn't cut-out for it, so that was that. I lived in Elsynge Road off of St.Johns Hill but was born in St.James Hospital Balham. I spent most of my ...see more