Hythe, Church From North West 1890
Photo ref: 25732
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A Selection of Memories from Hythe

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Hythe

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I remember the Gem. My aunty Silvia lived a few doors down from there .I went to St Lenards School in 1953. We lived with my aunty who lived at 39 Princes Terrace .We then moved to West Parade on the sea front.There was a little shop near The Light Railway that used to sell small pots jam and if we had been good my cousins and myself were allowed to chose one to have for tea.
Not quite a historical memory. But only last year I began some serious searching into my father's mother's family. She died when he was a wee child, and he lost touch with her family. He is now 94 years old, and this year I decided to visit Kent and East Sussex to see if I could find anything about his family. Prior to my visit I located the Francis Frith Collection with the photo of Slaybrook and a collection ...see more
My grandmother, Kate Elizabeth Wicks, was born in Hythe on 16 June 1887. She was a Roman Catholic and attended the school run by The Austin Friars Church, in Hythe. They lived in Eltham. She married my grandfather on 18 August 1913 and the service was officiated by Father Richard A O'Gorman OSA. She lived with her aunt, Mrs Lilian Crawford, at 26 Fort Road. This was run as a guest house for men ...see more
Pauline, your granddad was my great granddad I was very young when he died and just recall him. Granddad, your uncle, his car was a Austin Seven. Nan or auntie Hannah to you was a great lady I loved her dearly, Aunt Ivy and Uncle Les where always nice to us kids, Did your dad like bright colour shirts etc, and what about Uncle Eddie. It would be nice to catch up, oh yes your children must be grown up by now. Scott is 28 on the 31, Jan 2013 and Penny is 25 in April. Luv to all Col