Nostalgic memories of Pantasaph's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 11 - 20 of 32 in total

I had a younger cousin called Lucy and unfortunately owing to divorce she ended up living with the nuns at St Claires. I used to visit her and she'd sometimes came to stop at my home on weekends - she got on well with my four children. The Nuns on the whole did their best and the children were well looked after but I did think one nun in particular was a bit harsh in her dealings with the children. However, it is ...see more
We were at Pantasaph in the summer of 1961 for 6 months; we were the Sprague's, Pauline aged 12, Barbara aged 8 & Josephine aged 6. We remember the McCabes & Veronica Murtough, in fact Veronica turned up in my life years later! I recall Sr Theresa Mary who taught us in school. My sister Josephine broke her leg whilst we were there. We were sliding along the newly polished dormitory floor when she slipped, ...see more
I was in the orphanage in the early 1950's. It was a terrifying experience, I remember having to stand around a bed with other kids to witness a nude child get beaten with a stick to teach everyone a lesson not to wet the bed. I remember the sparse meals, the cold and the complete lack of any love. I got the mumps as a young child and was locked away in solitary confinement, alone and in pain with nothing to do ...see more
Does anybody remember me? I was in the convent for eleven years with my sister Pat Jones. One of my strongest memories is of having lumpy gravy for breakfast, when Sister Anne was in charge of the babies. I worked in the kitchens and on the farm. I go back there every Good Friday. I remember the three Everisto sisters and a few more. Would welcome any contact.
Hi Tony Rowley here. I think it was late 50's, mid 60's. I had one brother, Jimmy and two sisters, Anglea and Pauline. If anyone remembers meplease get in touch by email or telephone. - 01686670115. Look forward to hearing from anybody who remembers me.
I was placed with Sister Catherine from six weeks of age then boarded out prior to my ninth birthday to a newly married couple. Although I had a good time at the convent my placement wasn't a good one. I have tried over the past 16 years to find my records, has anybody else got any ideas as I have had no joy locating my records? Maybe as I was not adopted there seems to be less avenues to go down. I was wondering if ...see more
Hi, my name is Adrian Roberts and I went to the school in Pantasaph, the headmistress was Miss Swarbrick, I think she is still alive. My parents are David and Maureen (Lyn) Roberts. My dad owned his owned his own haulage firm. If any one has other photos could you send them to my email - - or can call me on 07889881585 if you were in school with me.
Hi, does anyone recall the school that was in Pantasaph which closed, I think it was either 1981 or 1982? I was one of those who left that year. If so, contact me on my email which is:
Hi, if anyone remembers me I am Christopher Potts and I was in Sr Catherine's flat from around 1963 till I left in 1973. I have been reading some of the messages and have really happy memries of my time there. Like the time me and Derek Owens sneaked into the tractor garage and I fell over and cut my knee and still have the scar to prove it LOL. I remember Anthony Williams as well also Linda and Claire in the nursary school and Miss Swarbrick
I was at Pantasaph 1961 - 1963. Sister Catherine was in charge of the group next door to ours. Sister Xavier was in charge of our group. We used to think those in Sister Catherine`s group were lucky as she really was kind and gentle, although very small had a big, caring heart. The other nuns, unfortunately, were not really suited to caring for children but were probably given this role by their superiors. Can you ...see more