Nostalgic memories of Selsdon's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 11 - 20 of 28 in total

Lived at No. 99, house backed onto school. Earliest memory of Miss Bjork as headteacher. Remember Sainsburys in high street which became Woolworths. Edward Adams, Tudor Library and Buckinghams. Drove through Selsdon recently. Not the same place but where is. Dad used to collect pools money and I would accompany him. Anyone remember me?
I was 9 when we returned from Australia in the summer of 1967, we lived at 37 Farley Road after three different houses in Littleheath Road all belonging to friends of my parents, who conveniently were away on holiday by consecutive dates that preceeded a rented house in Arkwright Road Sanderstead called The Hendry, which was one of two detached house on a large garden plot. At the end of the field garden was a ...see more
I went to selsdon primary school from the age of 5. I had a twin brother Christopher we were in the same class all through school - there were two classes to each year. Miss Bjork was Headmistress and yes she was quite scary. In the final year I had Mr Worth who loved music but who also gave my brother the slipper - yes that was the punishment for naughty pupils!! I also remember Mr Younghusband who I ...see more
I lived on Littleheath Road (No 32) until 1976 when we moved to Purley when I was 8. Both my brother (Nick Storey) and I went to Selsdon Primary/Jnr Schools. Our house backed on to Selsdon Woods and I remember there was a flag pole in the middle of the back garden. Names I remember form back then, Peter Stringer, The Jilks family who moved to Burwash in Sussex & bought a farm, the Bliss family Frank & Anne?? and ...see more
Hi I have just joined and I'm constantly trying to find out about my family's history even if I have many photos and do know quite alot but sadly my mother passed away this Christmas so I want to hold on to every information.... I'm going back a long time early 1900 to 1980...My grandfather lived at n.56 benhurst gardens,he was married to Helen Borrow and my mother's name is Margaret. For a period of time she was ...see more
I lived in Selsdon as a kid from 1964 - its my earliest memory. We lived in Benhurst Gardens, up the top of Old Farleigh Road. We were lucky as kids to have 'the Rec' as we called it, and the Bird Sanctuary very near to go an play. We also went to the stables at the Selsdon Park Hotel to ride the horses. We could go in the back way in Old Farleigh Road. We (my brother, sister and I) all went to Selsdon Primary ...see more
I was born in Selsdon in 1947 at 1 Farley Road and lived in same house for almost 30 years.  I attended Selsdon Primary and Secondary School from 1952 - 1960.  Classmates included Linda Smith, Christine Lucas, Sally Hughes , Jacqueline Cook, Lorna Chesshum, Michael Sycamore, Derek Bentley, Paul Lemma, Julia Varretto, Pat Gannon, Rosemary Fitch, Tessa Phillpot and Jennifer Weeden.  I remember The Village Club at the ...see more
In 1964 I started work as an apprentice mechanic at Selsdon garage, which can just be seen at the start on the right of this photo. The main range of vehicles repaired was mostly BMC though we would work on all makes of cars, from Fords to Jaguar. There was about 6 mechanics, 1 forman and 2 apprentices.The garage was owned by a Mr Bailey and his two sons Jeff and Tony ran it. It was a very happy time and we all got ...see more
Bomb crater used to be on the left where a row of small shops was. Mum used to play in the crater when they were kids.
Mum said shop on the left was the Express Dairy shop. Before Express Dairy it used to be a coffee shop, mum can't remember the name. Mum's name is Eve she was brought up in Selsdon in the 50's.