Nostalgic memories of Wingate's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 11 - 20 of 35 in total

Have lots of memories of Vane St, Station Town. Lots of friends and very good times. We have been back lots of times and it's all changed now. Would love to hear from anyone that remembers me.
Sliding down the pit heaps on some old pit belt,or old tin, Through the small bushes at the bottom. Playing on the swing in the woods over the beck Roast potatoes on the bonfire in the field. I remember David Coulson his brother Tommy & Jimmy language Tommy & kailly smith my dad was a blacksmith at the pit .George Alderton married to Agnes.
I lived in Wingate in the 1960's. My Mother and father Jean and Syd Price had the George and Dragon pub for a while until it was pulled down. My Grandmother, Gina Richardson, also had the pub which I think was known as the Top House. My Grandfather Harry Richardson was a musician, I think he played piano for Bobby Thompson for a while. I'm not sure exactly what year I lived there and exactly what date the pub was pulled down, but I have happy memories of Wingate.
I used to live at 458 New Back Row and remember the Coulsons from 456, especially Eddie who was my age (I think). I was devastated when they moved away, although Eddie was probably relieved - I have vague memories of stabbing his hand with a garden fork when we fell out once. My name was Joyce Brown and I also remember the Naylors from no 460, a large family, the daughter Vera was my age and we were both at the grammar ...see more
Hi, my name is Dot Dunn (nee Harmer). I've lived in Station Town and Wingate all my life and wouldn't want to live anywhere else and am still in contact with a lot of my school friends. I can still name all the shops that we had in Wingate, and we had everything from electricals to shoes, toys, bakeries, furniture, cobblers, records, laundry, eight butchers shops, (Robinsons that still trade ...see more
I've lived in Wingate all my life. I lived in 370 New Row; my best friends lived next door - the Davies Joan, Mary and Betty. We used to go to the Green Door workman's conses to rock and roll nights, John's ice cream shop - he had a brother, Tom McGee, he lives in Essex now. We still have nights out with our friends Dot Dunn, Eve Shovels, Val Stones and Trish Richard and reminisce about when we were young. Some ...see more
Hi can anyone tell me some more info on the Front Street West, which is where I live. I have been here since 2000 and I believe my house used to be an old wine shop many years ago. It would be nice if anyone has any photos or info, thanks.
Been reading some off the messages. I lived at 456 New Back Row, ie the ten houses left in 1963, moving to Yorkshire. I only get back for the unhappy times if you now what I mean. I had a fab childhood with 3 bros and 1 siss; Edd, Tom, Bri and Jean - that is when pit was open.
I was born in Hutton Lodge, Hutton Henry in 1946. Mother Audrey and father John Joseph (Jack) Walton. We moved to New Row, Wingate, because my father worked at the pit. I loved the school and have very happy memories of the place.
Hi, I went to Wingate Infants. Moved away and then returned to live with my grandparents for a while and went to junior school. Anyone out there remember me? I remember Christine Chapman who also lived in New Row and also John and Alice the twins. I think I lived in number 389 around 1953.