Nostalgic memories of Woking's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 21 - 30 of 39 in total

A brand new, purpose-built school. It was light and airy, kept very clean, and had some luxurious touches! A beautiful carpeted library, a small apartment for teaching domestic science, plus a hall and gym which were separated by a folding screen, so that they could be used as one enormous hall for Speech Day. The only design fault was putting the chemistry labs next to the dining room! The Head was Miss ...see more
This memory is very clear to me. As a resident of Horsell I would often walk down Brewery Road to Goldsworth School and over the step bridge, with its iron railings painted green in those days. My brother would take me along the canal with my old jampot with string and fishing net to catch the tiddlers. At that time there was an old wooden floating log raft just big enough for 2 kids to play on. We had such ...see more
Crossing the bridge from Woking town into the road where the Wheatsheaf was (and parkland, opposite it) always seemed like going to the posher end of town! It was more classy there with bigger houses surrounding the green! Nice memories!
I only went to the pool a handful of times as a child, but have happy memories in spite of being pushed into the deep end (which led to years of fear of water which I happily conquered in my 30's!). I remember the surrounding parkland being lovely. I agree with the person who said the new pool wasn't quite as nice, although I spent many a good time in the Leisure Centre doing circuit training in the gym in the 1990s!
When I lived in the town centre, in Middle Walk I used to go on a Sunday afternoon and sit in the little square to the right of this picture. Peaceful times.
Most Woking people will tell you 'they've' ruined a nice little town with modern developments! And I agree! Looking back on how it was, it looks such an nice country town way back in the 60's and before. I have lived away from it for twenty years, but when I go back I'm struck by how affluent an area the Woking district is! Its so lovely to look back on these photographs of times gone by! All the places in these pictures bring back memories.
When I was a small lad, my uncle Ted, me and his dog 'Petra' would go for walks in the woods. We would often stop here and look around. I always thought it was haunted and was initially quite scared to be there... but over time i got used to it. We'd also walk over to the sandpits. I remember the burial ground being a lot more overgrown than this picture shows tho'. Now I live in Central USA and miss Woking very ...see more
When I left my first school I arrived at Horsell school, a very pretty full of charecter building. I was about 6. A lot of the pupils were from my neighborhood, Hammond Road, Horsell. I remember the pretty church on the opposite side of the road on the hill, we sang in the choir there and I attended Sunday shool in the church. My headmaster was Mr Hall, a very tall man. Does anyone remember being at that school with ...see more
My name is Shirley Hamilton, maiden name Patten, I lived at Hammond Road, Horsell and as a teenager often danced at the Atlanta in Woking, it was the place to go, my friend Deirdre Jennings and I would sneak off on a Friday night. I remember it was like dancing in a giant goldfish bowl, the walls had fishes painted all around. Bob Potter was the attraction, he had a really good band. As I ...see more
I was one of the first students to attend Woking Grammar School! My first term was spent at the old school in Nissan Huts, but we moved into the new building in January 1958, I believe. What a beautiful building it seemed at the tiem, with Domestic Science rooms, a gorgeous gym, and a marble-floored central corridor. The headmistress at the time was Miss Hill, who was very stern, and we were all in fear of her as she ...see more